Thursday, July 11, 2024

The American M-209 cipher machine

At the start of WWII, the US armed forces used various means for enciphering their confidential traffic. At the lowest level were hand ciphers. Above that were the M-94 and M-138 strip ciphers and at the top level a small number of highly advanced SIGABA cipher machines.

The Americans used the strip ciphers extensively however these were not only vulnerable to cryptanalysis but also difficult to use.  Obviously a more modern and efficient means of enciphering was needed.

At that time Swedish inventor Boris Hagelin was trying to sell his cipher machines to foreign governments. He had already sold versions of his C-36, C-38 and B-211 cipher machines to European countries. He had also visited the United States in 1937 and 1939 in order to promote his C-36 machine and the electric C-38 with a keyboard called BC-38 but he was not successful (1). The Hagelin C-36 had 5 pin-wheels and the lugs on the drum were fixed in place. Hagelin modified the device by adding another pin-wheel and making the lugs moveable. This new machine was called Hagelin C-38 and it was much more secure compared to its predecessor.

In 1940 he brought to the US two copies of the hand operated C-38 and the Americans ordered 50 machines for evaluation. Once the devices were delivered, they underwent testing by the cryptologists of the Army’s Signal Intelligence Service and after approval it was adopted by the US armed forces for their midlevel traffic. Overall, more than 140.000 M-209’s were built for the US forces by the L.C. Smith and Corona Typewriters Company. (2)

The American version of the Hagelin C-38 was called Converter M-209 by the Army and USAAF and CSP-1500 by the Navy. Compared to the original version it had a few modifications. The M-209 had 27 bars on the drum while the C-38 had 29. Another difference was that the letter slide was fixed. During operation the text was printed by setting the letter spindle on the left to the desired letter and then turning the hand crank on the right.

The M-209 was a medium-level crypto system used at Division level down to and including battalions (Division-Regiment-Battalion) (3) and even up to Corps for certain traffic. The USAAF used it for operational and administrative traffic and the Navy aboard ships. SIGABA was used for higher level messages (Army-Corps-Division) and hand systems like Slidex and the Division Field Code used for tactical messages (Battalion-Company-Platoon).

The Germans called it ‘AM 1’ (Amerikanische Maschine 1) and the Japanese ‘Z code‘.

Operation of the M-209

The operating principle of Converter M-209 is described in it’s manual (4):

Converter M-209 operates on the crytographic principal of reciprocal-substitution alphabets. The effect is that of sliding a normal-alphabet sequence against a reversed normal alphabet. The manner in which the various elements of the converter shift the alphabets, with respect to each other, produces a high degree of irregularity in the letter substitutions during encipherment. For example, in the enciphering of a message, the alphabets might be arranged in the following manner for the first letter:



Thus, if K were the first letter to be enciphered, its cipher equivalent would be the letter A. For the second letter to be enciphered the alphabets might be arranged as follows:



If K were also the second letter to be enciphered, its cipher equivalent would be the letter H. The continual shifting of the alphabets is the factor which provides security for messages enciphered with Converter M-209’.

A more detailed description is given by Lasry, Kopal and Wacker (5):

The M-209 functions as a stream cipher, with a pseudo-random displacement sequence generator, and a Beaufort encoder, i.e. a Caesar cipher with an inverted alphabet. The pseudo-random displacement generator consists of two parts: A rotating cage with 27 bars and a set of six wheels.  The wheels are non-replaceable, unlike in later Hagelin models. Wheels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 have 26, 25, 23, 21, 19 and 17 letters, respectively. Next to each letter, there is a pin which can be set to an effective or non-effective state. On each wheel, one of the pins is in the active position, against the bars of the cage. At each step of the encryption or decryption process, all the wheels rotate by exactly one step. Each bar in the cage has two movable lugs. Each lug may be set against any of the six wheels, or set to the neutral position (0), but both lugs may not be set against the same wheel’.

The shifting of the alphabets was achieved through the rotation of the drum by the hand crank. There were 27 bars on the drum, each with two lugs that could be set in active or inactive position.

According to the same article: ‘When the power handle is pressed, all wheels rotate by one step, thus replacing the 6 pins in the active position. In addition, the cage performs a full revolution around its 27 bars. For each bar, if any one of the two lugs was set against a wheel for which the pin in the active position is in effective state, the bar is engaged and it moves to the left. The displacement used for encoding the current letter is equal to the number of bars engaged, and may have a value from 0 to 27. This displacement is then applied to the current plaintext letter, using a Beaufort scheme, to form the ciphertext letter, as follows:

CiphertextLetter[i] = (Z - PlaintextLetter[i] + Displacement[i]) mod 26

Due to the large number of possible pin and lug combinations the M-209 had a keyspace of 2174 (6).

The setting up of the device and the construction of keys and indicators is described in the manual issued with the device. This was the ‘War Department Technical Manual, TM 11-380 Converter M-209’. During the war three editions were issued in April 1942, September 1943 and March 1944 with each one superseding the previous one (7). The 1943 and 1944 editions added more complex rules regarding the selection of lug positions in order to ensure that the overlap distribution was optimal for the cryptosecurity of the device (overlap means that the two lugs on a bar are both in effective positions).

Indicator procedure

The machine was set up according to the daily ‘key’. This specified the internal settings. There were six rotors that had pins that could be set in active or inactive position. Then the lug positions on the bars of the drum were set up. Thus, setting up the daily key consisted of manipulating up to 185 elements of the device. (8)

The internal settings were changed each day and the external settings were communicated by means of a complicated indicator procedure (9).

The operator had to select 6 random starting positions for the six rotors. Then he would choose a letter of the alphabet at random and encipher it 12 times. After that he would take these 12 cipher letters and use them to select new positions for each of the six rotors. Why were 12 letters needed to set only 6 rotors? Some of the rotors did not have all 26 letters of the alphabet. When the cipher letter was not available it was crossed out and the next one used. Then the operator enciphered the message and sent it together with the external indicator.

Let’s say that we choose to set the 6 rotors at positions LAREIQ. Then we select the letter J to encipher 12 times. The output is QPWOINPONMML. Now we set the rotors at the position indicated by this output. Rotor 1 will be set at Q, rotor 2 at P, rotor 3 cannot be set at W since this rotor does not have this letter. We discard that letter and move to the next. Next one is O which is available at rotor 3 so we set it at that. Rotor 4 is set up on I, rotor 5 at N and rotor 6 at P. We will encipher the message with the wheels at positions QPOINP.

The external indicator sent with the message will be the letter we encoded written twice followed by the initial position of the rotors. Also, two more letters indicating the cipher net need to be added at the end. Let’s say that the net for 101st Airborne division is FK. Then the indicator for the above example would be JJLAREIQFK.

The cipher clerk who receives it will follow the same instructions to get the real position of the rotors (in our case QPOINP) but will then set his machine at decipher to decode the actual message.

These procedures should have made the M-209 very secure from cryptanalysis, however as with all the other codes and ciphers of WWII it was human error that allowed the Germans and Japanese to compromise its security.

Even though the M-209 had impressive theoretical security (due to its large keyspace) it had the flaw that if two messages were enciphered on the same initial setting then they could be solved and eventually the internal settings recovered so that the entire day’s traffic could be read. 

According to William Friedman, chief cryptologist of the US Army’s SIS, he opposed the introduction of the M-209 because of this weakness of the device (10):

It was about this time that a small mechanical machine which had been developed and produced in quantity by a Swedish engineer in Stockholm named Hagelin was brought to the attention of the Chief Signal Officer of the U.S. Army by a representative of the Hagelin firm. The SIS was asked to look into it and, as technical director, I turned in an unfavorable report on the machine for the reason that although its cryptosecurity was theoretically quite good. it had a low degree of cryptosecurity if improperly used-and practical experience had taught me that improper use could be expected to occur with sufficient frequency to jeopardize the security of all messages enciphered by the same setting of the machine, whether correctly enciphered or not. This was because the Hagelin machine operates on what is termed the key-generator principle, so that when two or more messages are enciphered by the same key stream or portions thereof, solution of those messages is a relatively simple matter. Such solution permits recovery of the settings of the keying elements so that the whole stream can be produced and used to solve messages which have been correctly enciphered by the same key settings, thus making a whole day's traffic readable by the enemy’.

Exploitation of M-209 traffic by the Axis powers

German exploitation of M-209 traffic

The German signals intelligence organization

Codebreaking and signals intelligence played a major role in the German war effort. Army and Luftwaffe units relied on signals intelligence in order to monitor enemy units and anticipate major actions.

The main Army sigint unit was the signal intelligence regiment - Kommandeur der Nachrichtenaufklärung or KONA. The signal intelligence regiments had fixed and mobile intercept units plus a small cryptanalytic centre called NAASt (Nachrichten Aufklärung Auswertestelle - Signal Intelligence Evaluation Center). (11)

Apart from the KONA units work on Allied codes and ciphers was carried out at the central cryptanalytic organization of the German Army, which was Inspectorate 7/VI, in Berlin. The department dealing with US Army codes was Referat 1, headed by Dr Steinberg. Another important member of the unit was the mathematician Hans-Peter Luzius. (12)

The Luftwaffe had similar units called Luftnachrichten (Air Signals) Regiments and Battalions. The central cryptanalytic department was Referat E, based in Potsdam-Wildpark and their chief cryptanalyst was Ferdinand Voegele. (13)

Most of the M-209 traffic intercepted by the Germans came from US Army units so the German Army’s codebreakers were the ones to take the lead in the solution of the device.

The central cryptanalytic organization Inspectorate 7/VI had separate departments for the main Allied countries, for cipher security, cipher research and for mechanical cryptanalysis (14).

US codes and ciphers were worked on by Referat 1, headed by Dr Steinberg. Originally that department dealt with cipher research but in 1942 it was assigned to US traffic. Additional research on the M-209 was carried out in Referat 13 (cipher machine research) and data processing and statistical tests carried out in Referat 9 (mechanical cryptanalysis) which was equipped with IBM/DEHOMAG punch card equipment (punchers, verifiers, reproducers, sorters, collators, tabulators including the advanced Dehomag D11 model).

Strength of Referat 1 in 1943 was about 40 men, with some assigned to forward units. The main systems exploited during the period 1942-45 were the M-94 strip cipher, War Department Telegraph Code 1919, War Department Telegraph Code 1942, Slidex, DFC - Division Field Code and M-209 machine. Their results were communicated to field sigint units which also sent back their solutions and captured material.

The field units working on the M-209 were NAASt 5 and NAASt 7.

NAASt 5 (Nachrichten Aufklärung Auswertestelle - Signal Intelligence Evaluation Center) based in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France was the cryptanalytic centre of KONA 5 (Kommandeur der Nachrichtenaufklärung - Signals Intelligence Regiment) covering Western Europe. Strength of the unit in 1944 was about 68 people. 

NAASt 7 (Nachrichten Aufklärung Auswertestelle - Signal Intelligence Evaluation Center) was the cryptanalytic centre of KONA 7 (Kommandeur der Nachrichtenaufklärung - Signals Intelligence Regiment) covering Italy.

The NAASt 5 section was headed by sergeant (wachtmeister) Engelhardt. Under him was a group of young mathematicians.  The NAASt 5 unit also cooperated with Luftwaffe cryptanalysts against the M-209 (15).

Methods of solution

German methods of solution were based on finding messages that had been enciphered with the same internal and external settings. These would have the same external indicator meaning the starting position of the rotors would be the same for both messages.

When these messages on the same net with the same external settings were identified the cryptanalytic attack involved running ‘cribs’ (suspected plaintext in the ciphertext). A ‘crib’ used on these messages was ZPARENZ (16).

If it was not possible to find messages with the exact same indicator then there was also the possibility to use messages whose indicator differed by one or at most two letters. Another method was to look for messages where the indicators (wheel positions) differed by one or two letters equally on all wheels (17).

The German cryptanalysts developed several methods for identifying if messages were in ‘depth’, regardless of the indicator (18). The most elaborate method used clear text and cipher text trigram analysis.

The trigram technique is described in TICOM report DF-120 (19) and was similar in concept to Friedman's Index of Coincidence and Turing's Bamburismus (20):

From solved M-209 messages from Africa, out of 10,000 letters the 300 most frequent clear text trigraphs were counted (taking into account the separator letter "Z’’) and the clear text intervals of these trigraphs to each other were determined. The differences found correspond to the negative cipher intervals in messages in depth. The triple number (Zahlentripel) which arose was weighted with values built up simply from the product of the frequencies of their occurrences, since the probability that two definite clear text trigraphs will appear over each other is equal to the product of the frequency of the percentage of their occurrence.

From these differences a table was prepared which indicates for us the corresponding weight for every possible Zahlentripel. One now finds each interval triple which appears in the two cipher messages, in the upper as well as in the lower message, and adds up the weights which apply to them. The sum is then multiplied by 100 and divided by twice the number of positions being investigated. It is multiplied by 100 in order to get a relationship to 100 positions, and divided by twice the sum of the investigated positions since we have looked up each position twice - once in the upper and once in the lower message. For this reason the different sign of the intervals for the clear and cipher text has no moaning. The final result then gives us a point of departure for telling whether the messages being investigated are in depth or not. Experience has shown that values of 50,000 or more make depth probable. Values under 40,000 speak against depth, and with numbers in between 40,000 and 50,000 one can count on either possibility. Of course, in doing this, scattering (Streuungen) and coincidences must be taken into account, These things can make a considerable distortion of the picture, especially in short messages. Nevertheless, up to now, we have, in general, been able to depend on the results, particularly In rather long messages.

Messages were sorted in Referat 9 using punch card equipment and statistical tests were run on them. The standard IBM/Dehomag equipment were further modified by the addition of special wiring to enable them to make the needed calculations.

The punch card machines, due to their design limitations, were not ideal for making the calculations needed for the solution of Hagelin type machines, so special cryptanalytic devices were needed. In 1943-44 the engineer Schüssler was tasked with building such devices but no information is available on whether they were actually built and used by Inspectorate 7/VI (21).   

The field unit NAASt 5 however did use such a device in 1944 in order to find the M-209 absolute settings (22). It seems that the device worked according to the following principle (23):  once two messages in depth had been identified and solved the relative settings were inputted into the device and a five letter crib was selected to be tested against the cipher text of another message. Then the device would test the crib on the cipher text until a positive solution of the cipher text was reached which caused the device to stop. Then this setting (which was the absolute one) was checked to see if it could decode the message.

Information from TICOM interrogations

Dr Steinberg was originally a member of the mathematical research department of Inspectorate 7/VI and later became head of the USA section. In Nov 1944 he transferred to the codebreaking department of the Armed Forces High Command - OKW/Chi where he worked on a Japanese cipher machine. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem that he was interrogated after the war.

His assistant Luzius also became an expert on the M-209. Luzius was a statistician of the Alliance insurance company before the war. In 1941 he was called up into the Army and posted to Inspectorate 7/VI. There he worked on cipher machines.

Thankfully we have a short history of the work done on the M-209 from his report TICOM I-211Preliminary interrogation of Dr Hans Peter Luzius of OKH/In 7’, p2

5. The strip cypher gradually faded out, and was replaced by the M-209 Hagelin at the beginning of the African campaign. This was a better version of the French C-36, which had been solved in the early part of the war; he could give no details as this was before his time. The C-36 had five wheels, whereas the M-209 had six. Here again, solution was purely analytical, and depended upon getting two messages with the same indicators, or a mistake in encipherment. The first break was achieved as the result of a message which was subsequently re-sent with the same indicators but slightly paraphrased, so that the words in the text were slid against each other; their task of diagnosis was also made easier in this case, because, contrary to the instructions which laid down 250 letters as maximum length of a message, this message was over 700 letters long. They began by guessing a word in the first text, and then trying it out on the second text, utilizing the fact that the slide between the two cypher letters would be the same as that between the clear letters. In this way, they could read the text, and work out the cycle and behavior of the wheels, which enabled them to derive the relative setting. The solution of the absolute setting, which would enable them to read the remaining messages on the day's key, was a more intricate process, and he was unable to recall details, beyond the fact that it was always possible.

With practice, they were able to break the relative setting given a minimum of 35 letters of text, although normally they required 60-70 letters. It took them about two hours to derive the absolute setting, after they had broken the initial messages.

 6. This was the only method of solution known to them; they could never solve traffic unless they had a depth. The work was done entirely by hand, except that the indicators were sorted by Hollerith. He was unable to say what percentages of keys were read, but thought that it might be about 10%. The only occasion when traffic could be read currently was when they captured sane keys in advance in Italy, which continued to be used. Them was a theoretical method of solution an one message given at least 1.000 letters in a message, but this had never occurred and he did not remember the details.

7. He was then asked whether they had achieved any other successes with this type of machine. He recalled that the Hagelin had been used by the Swedes, in a form known as BC-38. This was similar to the M-209, but with the additional security feature that, whereas with the American machine in the zero position A = Z, B = Y, etc., In the Swedish machine the relationship between these alphabets could be changed. He could not remember whether it had changed daily or for each message. He himself had worked on this machine and had solved a few messages. It had been an unimportant sideline, and he could not remember details; he thought that it had been done by the same method, when two messages occurred with the same indicators. This had only happened very rarely.

More detailed information is available from primary sources.

Information from the war diary of Inspectorate 7/VI and the surviving reports of NAASt 5

The complete war diary of Inspectorate 7/VI can be found in the German Foreign Ministry’s Political Archive, in the TICOM collection. Three of the five reports of NAASt 5 can be found in the US National Archives, in collection RG 457 (24).

The first mention of M-209 traffic is in the report of February ’43 which said that messages with two 5-letter indicators where the 1,2 and 9,10 letters are the same was identified as a cipher machine. A characteristic of the letters 4-8 of the indicator showed that the letters that could appear were the same as in the wheels of the Hagelin C-36, that is the wheels had 25,23,21,19,17 positions. There were further investigations into whether it was essentially the C-36 or a similar type of machine and two messages in depth were worked on.


Investigations continued in March ’43 however the report was more pessimistic since it said that ’If the modern, improved Hagelin devices are used by the Americans, decipherment will only be possible through special fortunate circumstances’.

The report of April ’43 said that investigations continued with an effort to clarify if it was a Hagelin type device or another cipher machine.

A breakthrough came in May ’43 when two messages in depth were solved and the internal construction of the machine determined (use of the letter ‘Z’ as word separator was confirmed). The indicator procedure though was still investigated and it was noted that US troops stationed in Britain had changed their cipher procedure from the M-94 (called Acr2 by the Germans) to a machine cipher which was recognized as Hagelin machine type. Messages in depth from these units could be solved in part and it was attempted to clarify if this machine was the same as the one used in N.Africa. A BC-38 machine, borrowed from the Waffenamt (Army Weapons Agency), was modified to decode the M-209 messages.

The M-209 was also investigated in Referat 13 (cipher machine research) and their report stated that a method of solution was developed that however required lots of text. The goal was to further refine the solution so that it could be applied to short messages.

In June ’43 there was exchange of information with the naval codebreakers since they were also receiving traffic enciphered with the M-209.

Through additional research it was possible to verify that the Hagelin C-38 was the same machine used by US troops in Britain and in N.Africa. The indicator system continued to be investigated and there was close contact with Referat 13 regarding the development of a general solution of the M-209.

In July ’43 the recent findings and methods regarding the M-209 were shared with the Navy. There was also a meeting with dr Huettenhain of OKW/Chi regarding the loan of Hagelin cipher machines (B-211, C-36, C-38). Captured C-38 were received from Italy, another C-38 was received from the Waffenamt and one from OKW/Chi.

On 9 July ’43 US and British troops invaded the island of Sicily and after more than a month of fighting defeated the Axis forces and captured the island. However, the German forces were able to avoid a total defeat by retreating in an orderly fashion through the Strait of Messina.

It seems that during the fighting in Sicily the Germans managed to capture a valid keylist of an M-209 network and thus could read current US military traffic. 

During the month 6 intelligence reports were issued based on 126 M-209 messages. The captured cipher material allowed the continuous decryption of the traffic with indicator ‘ID’ and the results were communicated to KONA 7 (the sigint unit covering Italy). Thanks to the captured material it was also possible to clarify the indicator procedure. Methods of solution were further refined and after solving 2-3 messages in depth and finding the relative settings it was possible to then recover the absolute settings which enabled the decryption of the entire day’s traffic.

Regarding the M-209 it was stated that without captured material, messages in depth or other errors regular solution would be impossible.

In August ’43 there was close contact with the Navy since at Inspectorate 7/VI there were only two serviceable machines while the Navy had a large number available. On 31.8 there was a meeting of dr Steinberg with lieutenant colonel Passow of the Waffenamt in order to discuss the development of special processing devices.

The activity report of Referat 1 said that messages of the ‘ID’ network could be decoded till mid-month and after that it was still possible (contrary to all expectations) to find several cases of indicator reuse and thus solve the traffic of those days cryptanalytically and decode all messages of the net. However, the effort was complicated and cumbersome and required a large proportion of the staff of the unit. During the month 8 intelligence reports were issued based on 63 M-209 messages.

In September ’43 there was continued cooperation with the Navy on the M-209 and also a briefing on the M-209 operation and indicator system for dr Huettenhain of OKW/Chi. At the same time, there was a brief exchange of information on the devices currently being developed for decipherment purposes.

Messages in depth were solved during the month and the absolute settings recovered. This laborious work occupied most of the staff. Also captured cipher material provided valuable information on cipher procedures. An original Converter M-209 was captured and together with a machine sent by the Navy and two machines captured from the Italians and rebuilt in the workshop deciphering work could be done with a reasonably sufficient inventory of machines.

In October ’43 dr. Luzius was assigned to KONA 7 to demonstrate the solution methods for the M-209 but it was confirmed that processing this traffic would prove too difficult and require too large a staff for forward units. Exchange of information with the Navy continued with Referat 1 giving them a keylist for the net ‘IF’ and in exchange receiving cipher material given to the Navy by the Japanese.

Regarding M-209 machines the Navy agreed to give Referat 1 10 electric and 25 hand operated Hagelin C-38 machines captured from the Italians. These were modified and repaired at the Inspectorate 7/VI workshop thus satisfying the need for M-209 decoding machines. The acquisition of the Italian machines ended an effort to purchase 6 new devices from Sweden, thus saving a considerable amount of foreign currency and preventing any suspicions that could arise regarding the reasons for the German order.

The activity report said that some messages of the net ‘IF’ could be solved easily due to the captured keylist but the vast majority had to be solved by laborious work (solving messages in depth, recovering the relative settings and then finding the absolute settings).

In November ’43, the head of department was in Berlin from November 20th to 22nd to bring equipment to the workshop for repairs and to take repaired equipment with him. He also handed over material for a test example on the completed device, a small phase detector (Phasensuchgerät), and to hold preliminary discussions for the construction of further devices with special leader (Sonderführer) Schüssler. OKW/Chi was urgently interested in obtaining BC-38 machines and there were discussions with officials from the Forschungsamt on the C-38. The Forschungsamt made an urgent request to provide them with such a device so that research could be carried out into the possibility of breaking into the device.

The activity report said that messages continued to be decoded and for the first time, it was possible to reconstruct the absolute setting using a single pair of messages that were in depth, thus avoiding the laborious process of trying out values ​​for other messages. However, that method was very time consuming and not always feasible.

The report of Referat 13 said that the results of solving a longer ciphertext with a known internal machine setting and an unknown indicator were compiled in a report. Furthermore, the method proposed by the Navy to solve a longer cipher was investigated theoretically and practically and judged to be significantly weaker than the methods developed at Inspectorate 7/VI.

In December ’43 dr Luzius visited NAASt 5 and showed them the methods of solution of M-209 messages in depth. The activity report said that the interception of messages in depth was noticeably less frequent than before and in several cases, despite the existence of messages in depth, no corresponding solution could be found. The cause of the difficulties that occurred in these individual cases could not yet be precisely stated.

The 1944-45 reports of Inspectorate 7/VI are not as detailed as those of the preceding years. However, for 1944 there are also available 3 reports of NAASt 5.

There are no Inspectorate 7/VI reports for January ’44.

The NAASt 5 report ‘E-Bericht Nr. 1/44 der NAAst 5’ (dated 10.1.44) said that during 1943 the procedure M-94 (ACr2 in German reports) was being replaced with the M-209. In December ’43 only a few messages had been deciphered since work on the M-209 only started that month.

The activity report of Referat a2 (as Referat 1 had been renamed) said that Sergeant Kuhl and two soldiers from the Air Force's codebreaking department were introduced to the method of determining the absolute setting of the M-209. There was a notable increase of radio traffic from US forces in Britain and these contained numerous M-209 messages that could be solved due to errors in encipherment.

In March ’44 the number of intercepted M-209 continued to increase and with it the number of cases that could be solved. There were delays in transmitting this material to Inspectorate 7/VI quickly and an effort was made to correct this. On February 26th, the cryptanalysts of NAASt 5 managed for the first time to recover the setting from two messages in depth and to decipher the associated daily material.

The NAASt 5 report ‘E-Bericht Nr. 2/44 der NAAst 5’ (dated 1.4.44) also mentions the increase in M-209 traffic and said that from the last two letters on the indicator (identifying the network and keylist used) it was seen that in Britain two networks made up most of the traffic. Four to seven different networks appeared every day on average. Occasionally, even the bigram of the previous day was used. Solved M-209 messages were also used to break into the US callsign book which turned out to be identical to the one used in Italy.

In April ’44 the Referat a2 report said that the intercepted material remained at the previous month’s level.

In May ’44 the M-209 messages continued to be intercepted in large numbers (12.600 according to the report) and frequent cases of two or more messages with the same indicator led to the solution of several days traffic.

On 6 June 1944, the Western Allies invaded France and gained a foothold over the Normandy area. The German forces in the West reenforced their units in Normandy and were initially able to block the Allied advance for two months. After hard fighting the Allies were able to breakout from the Normandy area in August and they quickly moved to liberate occupied France.

Prior to the invasion the German signal intelligence agencies tried to gather as much information as possible on the location and movement of Allied units in the UK in order to find out where the landings would come.

From the war diary of Inspectorate 7/VI and the reports of NAASt 5 it is clear that in the first half of 1944 M-209 messages from US forces in the UK were solved and valuable intelligence was gathered on the groupings of US military forces.

In the period February-May ’44 the USA section of Inspectorate 7/VI issued 47 reports based on 678 decoded messages. Also, the report ‘E-Bericht Nr. 3/44 der NAASt 5’ (Berichtszeit 1.4-30.6.44) shows that NAASt 5 solved 1.119 messages during April-May ’44 and got intelligence on the assembly of US troops. The same report also mentions the reconstruction of the US callsign book and the preparation of a report on the M-209 titled ‘Über eine Methode zur vorausscheidung der Konstanten C26 und C25 bei der absoluten Einstellung der AM1'.

Activity report before the invasion


1). AM1:

Focused on decoding the AM1. Ten absolute settings were recovered, which brought the deciphering of 1,119 messages. This cipher-material, mostly composed by the U.S American Expeditionary Corps, gave valuable insights into the location of enemy groups.

After the Allies landed in Normandy M-209 messages continued to be read revealing the Allied order of battle. The messages for the days of 6-9 June were solved thanks to captured cipher material and these revealed the presence of an Army, a Corps and five divisions, brigades and battalions (eine Armee, ein Korps, 5 Divisionen, Brigaden und Bataillone). During the month 134 advance reports were issued (S-Meldungen/Sofortmeldungen) based on 2.157 processed messages (many intercepted in May and solved in June).

The June ’44 report of Referat a2 said that a number of M-209 messages were solved. During the month 22 advance reports were issued based on 318 messages.

In July ’44 there was increased cooperation with the Navy and Airforce on the M-209. The solution of daily keys led to the issuing of 26 advance reports with 586 messages. By using teleprinter links the processing and evaluation of the results was accelerated. Also, valuable captured cipher material arrived from Normandy.

In August ’44 21 advance reports were issued based on 269 messages. The personnel of NAASt 5 were able to solve important M-209 messages thanks to captured material. However, due to the deterioration of the German front the unit was moved to the east and this led to a fall in the number of messages and teleprinter traffic sent from the unit in the second half of the month. The report also says that processing of the M-209 was handed over to Referat b2 (cipher machine research) with simultaneous transfer of 5 clerks to b2.

In September ’44 messages with the same indicator were regularly transmitted by KONA 7 but due to the problematic teleprinter connection this was not true for KONA 5. The report of Referat b2 said that a number of relative and absolute settings of the M-209 had been solved.

In October ’44 there was another reorganization of the department and the reports on US systems appear under Referat 3a. The report said that there was a decrease in intercepted material. Solution of messages continued, some thanks to captured material and some thanks to solved keys provided by Referat 1b. The report of Referat 1b said that it was possible to recover a number of relative and absolute settings of the American, French, and Swedish C-38.

In November ’44 Referat 3a worked of the traffic not solved by the KONA units and the report of Referat 1b said that 9 settings for the M-209 had been solved.

In December ’44 there was a meeting with Voegele, chief cryptanalyst of the Luftwaffe codebreaking department in order to discuss the systems used by the Western Allies. The unit continued to work on traffic not solved by the KONA units. The report of Referat 1b said 5 relative and absolute settings were solved for the M-209. In addition, a Swedish C-38 key could be determined.

After the German defeat in Normandy their forces had retreated back to the German border. There they consolidated and reenforced their units in order to use them for a counterattack that would inflict such a defeat on the Western Allies that it would alter the direction of the war. 

The German units used landlines and couriers in order to maintain secrecy and they succeeded since their attack on December 16 caught the Allies by surprise. This was called the Battle of the Bulge and battles continued till January 28. Eventually, the Allied material superiority defeated this last German offensive operation in the West but their initial successes alarmed the Allies and led to heavy losses for the US troops.   

It seems that in their planning and the offensive operations they were greatly assisted by signals intelligence, especially the exploitation of US radio traffic. The British became aware of the extent of the German success thanks to decoded German messages. These messages revealed the exploitation of reused M-209 keys, plain-language signals giving the results of prisoner interrogations and M-209 messages divulging a wide array of intelligence about troop dispositions, proposed movements, reconnaissance activity and more. For example (25):

Their assessment, contained in the report 'Indications of the German Offensive of December 1944' was that 'It is a little startling to find that the Germans had a better knowledge of U.S. Order of Battle from their Signals Intelligence than we had of German Order of Battle from Source' (26).

In January ’45 the reports on US systems appear under Referat 2a. Regarding the M-209 there was processing of messages in depth. The report of Referat 1b said there were 6 relative and 10 absolute solutions of the US M-209, 2 solutions for the French M-209, and 3 solutions for the Swedish C-38.

In February ’45 processing of the M-209 was completely taken over Referat 1b. The report of the unit said that in collaboration with the group of Engelhardt at NAASt 5 eight machine settings of the AM 1 were solved and the associated daily traffic read.

The last report of March ’45 said a number of settings of the M-209 could be solved in cooperation with the Engelhardt group.

Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate the two NAASt 5 reports E-Bericht 4/44 der NAAst 5 (Berichtszeit 1.7-30.9.44) dated 10.10.44 and E-Bericht der NAAst 5 (Berichtszeit 1.10.44-30.12.44) dated 14.1.45. However interesting information about the work of the unit during that period can be found in the interview of Reinold Weber, a distinguished member of the unit (27).

Reinold Weber and the German ‘bombe’

An interesting overview of events regarding the NAASt 5 unit is given by one of the cryptanalysts who served there named Reinold Weber.

According to an article at Telepolis magazine (28), Reinold Weber was born in Austria in 1920 and in April 1941 he was drafted to the German army and assigned to a signals company in the Eastern front. In December ‘42 he was transferred to an interpreter school because he had good knowledge of English (his family lived in the US during the years 1930-36) and while stationed there, he took an intelligence test and scored third. His good results got him reassigned to the signal intelligence service and in January ’43 he was sent to Berlin for a six-month course in cryptology. There he did not distinguish himself but he was able to complete the course in August ’43 and in the following month he was sent to NAASt 5 in Louveciennes, near Paris.

Although Weber was a newcomer, he quickly gained the respect of the other codebreakers by solving messages enciphered with the so called ‘TELWA’ code. This system was called TELWA because that was the indicator at the start of these messages. (Its original designation was ‘US War Department Telegraph Code 1942 - SIGARM’ and it was used extensively in the period 1943-45).

Weber’s statement can be confirmed from the report ‘E-Bericht Nr. 1/44 der NAAst 5’, p15-6 which said:

In August and September the TELWA 5-Letter code was recognized as systematic. We managed to find the formula and the related size of about 125.000 possible code groups of which 25.000 groups could be excluded through graphical and statistical ways by using the formula. Hence the code group construction and the size was known. Now it was possible due to the available material to start the interpretation of the code assignments. It was assumed that the code was alphabetic and that the message content corresponded to the AC 1 usage. The first break-ins and confirmations were achieved simultaneously with FNASt. 9. Already in mid-November was it possible to solve some of the messages because of the available material.

At the end of 1943, Weber was transferred from Paris to Euskirchen, near Cologne to work on the TELWA code. This was the location of Feste 3 (Feste Nachrichten Aufklärungsstelle/Stationary Intercept Company). This unit intercepted radio traffic from the US interior both morse and radio teleprinter, including the 6-unit IBM Radiotype traffic (for more information check the essay ‘Army Command and Administrative Network, IBM Radiotype and APO numbers).

In April ’44 Weber returned to NAASt 5, which had now moved to Saint-Germain-en-Laye. The unit was working on the M-209 cipher machine which was in widespread use among the US military units. The settings were solved sometimes several times a week and sometimes only once in 14 days. The absolute settings were worked out by a small group and Weber was able to join them. It seems that the spelling of numbers in the M-209 was exploited as a ‘crib’. (Note that in TICOM report I-113 the cryptanalysts mentioned were Schlemmer, Engelhardt (a mathematician), Rathgeber (ex-chemist) and Flick, Thuner, Dato)

According to Weber some of the decoded messages contained information on upcoming bombing operations against German cities and this information was passed on to higher authorities.

The cryptanalytic device

In April ’44 Weber had thought about using a cryptanalytic device to speed up the solution of the M-209. When he shared his idea with his superiors he was sent to Berlin to discuss it with experts from OKH (Army High Command) (probably meant Inspectorate 7/VI) and they directed him to the Hollerith punch card company (probably meant DEHOMAG). However, the response he got from the company was that it would take two years to build such a device.

Weber returned empty handed but did not forget his idea to build the electromechanical cryptanalytic device. In August ’44 the collapse of the front and the retreat of the German Army in France led to the move of NAASt 5 from Saint-Germain to Krofdorf, near Giessen in Germany. In Krofdorf there was a precision engineering company called Dönges whose machine tools were used by Weber and his coworkers in order to build his cryptanalytic device. According to Weber by mid-September the device was ready and it was used to recover the daily settings of the M-209 in 7 hours. The message contained details of a bombing operation scheduled for several weeks’ time.

The unit continued to work on the M-209 till early 1945 when advancing US forces led to another relocation of the unit, this time to Bad Reichenhall in Bavaria. Some members of the unit abandoned their posts but Weber made it to Bad Reichenhall and then to Salzburg and was surprised to see that his device had also been transported there in one piece. Unfortunately, the operations of the signal intelligence service had deteriorated so much that there was no interception of M-209 messages to work on. For this reason, his superiors ordered that the device was to be destroyed so it was broken up with hammers.

Weber’s story appeared in 2004 but until recently it could not be independently confirmed. Thankfully the TICOM report DF-114 ‘German Cryptanalytic device for solution of M-209 traffic’ has the blueprints of this device (released by the NSA to NARA in 2011 and uploaded to Scribd and Google drive by me in 2012).

This proves that the Allies were not the only ones to build specialized cryptanalytic equipment for the solution of cipher machines. The Germans also had their own ‘bombe’.

M-209 traffic from the USAAF and US Navy

Regarding the solution of M-209 messages of the USAAF and US Navy there is limited information available:

USAAF M-209:

The M-209 was also attacked by the codebreakers of the Luftwaffe. The central department OKL/Gen Na Fue/III (Oberkommando der Luftwaffe/General Nachrichten Fuehrer/Abteilung III) cooperated with the Army’s signal intelligence agency.

Voegele who was the chief cryptanalyst of the Luftwaffe gave some information in TICOM report I-112 and Seabourne report vol XIII:

From I-112Preliminary Interrogation of Reg. Rat Dr Ferdinand Voegele (Chi Stelle, Ob.d.L.) and Major Ferdinand Feichtner (O.C. of LN Regt. 352)’, p4

4. (g) U.S. Hagelin Machine (M. 209)

The first success was achieved in March or April, 1944, On the western Front the keys were broken for 6 to 8 days per month but in the Mediterranean cypher discipline was much stronger and keys were broken on only one or two days per month.

A key chart was captured in September or October, 1944. Although in theory 22 hours should suffice for breaking, the time lag was 8 to 10 days in practice, owing to delays in the reception of raw material.

The breaking of M.209 was soon left to the Army who intercepted most of the traffic. Hagelin traffic was considered of little value as compared with Slidex which was read in bulk. Lt. Zimmerlin (a French prisoner at Tuttlingen) and Sgt. von Metzen were M.209 specialists.

In another part of the report Voegele says there was collaboration with NAASt 5 and exchange of indicators with OKH and OKM.

Also, from Seabourne report vol XIII ‘Cryptanalysis’, p12: ‘Toward the end of the year, M-209 messages on MAAF (Mediterranean Allied Air Forces) networks were deciphered more frequently. In October 1944, it was possible to decipher the entire traffic of a network in the West for four weeks by virtue of a captured list of M-209 settings’.

Lieutenant Ludwig, chief evaluator on the Western front, gave interesting information in TICOM report I-109:

From I-109Translation of a Report by Lt. Ludwig of Chi Stelle OB.d.L, based on questions set for him at ADI(K)’, p37

A. M-209 (Small cipher machine).

German name for system: AM1 (American 1). The cipher system appeared in American army and air force networks below Army Corps or Command.


Work on the system was done simultaneously in section E at Potsdam-Wildpark and Sigint interpretation station 5 (NAAST 5) at St. Germain. As far as I remember the first messages were decoded in February, 1944, by NAAST 5. They originated from the ground networks of VIII Fighter Command (65th, 66th and 67th wing) and contained statements of an administrative nature, but also tactical indications, such as the change over to Mustangs etc.

The original of every message was sent to Potsdam, one copy to the Army. The army got better results.  Because of those results the interception of such messages was stepped up considerably, from about 50-200-300 messages a day, with priority over other tasks. On the invasion starting, the GAF cryptanalytic section too was finally moved from Potsdam to Paris (14/3 formerly W control 3) and close co-operation in cryptanalytical work was established with the army. After the start of the invasion some interesting messages about the losses of the 101st Airborne Division were decoded; apart from that the decoded messages were of greater value to the Army than to the GAF. Cryptanalysis was, as far as I remember, made more difficult later by the fact that the individual service groups (armies, commands) no longer used the same cipher setting, so that they had to be worked out separately. As far as the GAF was concerned, therefore, each individual command was monitored and worked on in turn with all available resources. Good results were achieved in the case of IX Air Defense Command (details of A.A. units) and the IX Eng. Command (extension of airfields, effect of the V 1 bombardment on Liege airfield). The monitoring of the networks of the Tactical Air Commands also brought results: e, g. the forming of the XXIX Tactical Air Command became known from a decoded message.

US Navy M-209:

The US Navy also used the M-209 but according to the British report HW 40/7 (29) the codebreakers of the Naval agency B-Dienst only managed to read a few days traffic. This was due to the better use of the M-209 by the US Navy compared to the Army. Specifically, the Navy used indicators enciphered on bigram substitution tables (30).

Misuse of the M-209:

Although the M-209 was generally supposed to be used up to division level some of the messages the Germans decoded were from higher levels of command like Corps and some were USAAF messages containing details of upcoming bombing operations.

In these cases, the M-209 was used for messages that should probably have been passed on the SIGABA cipher machine. Perhaps the limited number of secure cipher machines forced commanders to resort to the use of less secure methods.

The Japanese effort to solve the M-209 machine

The Japanese codebreaking agencies

Imperial Japan entered WWII with three separate codebreaking agencies under the control of the Army, Navy and Foreign Ministry. Details of their successes against enemy codes have been hard to find because after Japan’s surrender, in September 1945, they had time to destroy their records and disperse their personnel.

Still the few remaining documents in Japan combined with decoded Japanese messages found in the US and British archives can provide a basis for assessing their operations during the war.

The Japanese Army’s codebreaking department focused on the codes of the US, Britain, China and the Soviet Union (31). Regarding US codes they read low level Army and USAAF systems and in late 1944 they were able to exploit M-209 traffic from US divisions. 

The Z code and the Japanese Army’s mathematical research department

In 1943/44 the Japanese authorities started recruiting University graduates and mathematicians in order to scientifically attack the more difficult Allied cipher procedures (32). Information on the solution of the M-209 is available from the mathematician Setsuo Fukutomi, a member of the unit (33):

These M209 encoding-machines were in general use at the front divisions of the American armed forces. The General Staff of the Japanese Army had bought a prototype of this machine in Sweden before the war. The military engineer Yamamoto mentioned above guessed that “M209” was an adaptation of this Swedish prototype. He could even determine the details of the modifications of the prototype that had produced M209. At that time, I was serving as a soldier working at the General Staff. I noticed that the keys of the codes of the M209 were so-called “double keys”, and I succeeded in breaking these double-keys. After that, a team including a number of drafted officers including myself were sent to the Philippines. We managed to obtain some good decoding results, but the way the Americans made the daily change of coding keys was such that we were unable to break their codes every day, which strongly restricted the benefits we earned from our work’.

It seems that the Japanese military attaché in Sweden, General Onodera Makoto was able to acquire Hagelin C-38 machines which were then transported to Japan for analysis (34).

The Japanese called the Converter M-209 ‘Z code’ (35) (since Z was used a word separator) and according to US sources probably acquired cipher material during the battle of Saipan in June-July 1944 (36). Then they used this material in order to find a general solution of the device. Their method of solution was described in a report titled ‘The report on the Construction and Solution of the Z code’ (37).

Unfortunately, there is no detailed information on their wartime effort to solve M-209 traffic.


The M-209 cipher machine was used extensively by the US armed forces in the period 1943-45. In theory it was a secure device however in practice the many mistakes made by operators enabled the German and Japanese signal intelligence agencies to exploit this traffic.

German codebreakers were able to exploit this system, especially Army traffic. By reading the messages they got tactical information and were able to identify units and build the enemy order of battle. At times the M-209 was used for high level traffic and details of future operations became known to the Germans.

The decoded M-209 traffic was particularly important for the Germans during the invasion of Sicily, invasion of Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. 

Work was carried out both in Berlin by the central department of the German Army’s signal intelligence agency and also from forward units in France and Italy. Initially only the central department could recover the internal settings but eventually the forward units also developed this capability and contributed significantly to the solution of M-209 traffic.

The use of a specialized cryptanalytic machine by the Germans was a noteworthy engineering achievement. Also, their trigram technique for identifying depths was similar to advanced statistical methods developed by the Anglo-American codebreakers for cipher machine analysis.

Overall, the solution of the M-209 was an important success for the German side. In 1943-45 the M-209 together with Slidex and the War Department Telegraph Code 1942 were the main sources of information for the German codebreakers in the Western European theatre.

In the Pacific theatre the Japanese Army’s codebreakers were able to solve US Army traffic and their success might have played an important role during the battles of 1944/45 (Saipan, Philippines etc). Unfortunately, not many details are known about their work.

In the end an accurate assessment of the value of the M-209 was given by William Friedman in a postwar study (38): ‘It turned out that under field conditions the fears upon which I had based my personal rejection of the Hagelin machine proved to be fully justified— a great deal of traffic in it was solved by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese. If I was chagrined or suffered any remorse when I learned about the enemy successful attacks on M-209 traffic, those feelings were generated by my sense of having failed myself to think up something better than the M-209 despite the shortsighted attitude of the military director of the SCL’.

The M-209 might not have been unbreakable but compared to the possible alternatives (systems like Playfair, enciphered codebooks, Cysquare, double transposition or the M-94 and M-138 strip ciphers) it was the superior system.

The hand systems were either weaker cryptologically or they were too cumbersome to use in the field. Moreover, their adoption would require the constant production and distribution of large volumes of cipher material to units across the globe. The M-209 on the other hand, once distributed, only needed a keylist and this could be created not only by a central authority but also by signal officers in the field, using the instructions contained in the TM 11-380 manual.

M-209 Simulators

For those of you who want to actually use the M-209 check this simulator by Virtual Colossus and the one by Dirk Rijmenants.

Additional information:

1). Hagelin BC-38 for the Office of Strategic Services

Prior to the US entry into WWII the country lacked a unified intelligence agency. Intelligence was collected by several organizations such as the Army’s Military Intelligence Service, the Navy’s Office of Naval Intelligence and by the State Department. For this reason, the Office of the Coordinator of Information was created in 1941 and in 1942 its foreign intelligence functions were transferred into the newly established Office of Strategic Services. The OSS was responsible for collecting foreign intelligence through spies, performing acts of sabotage, waging propaganda war, organizing and coordinating anti-Nazi resistance groups in Europe, and providing military training for anti-Japanese guerrilla movements in Asia.

In 1942 the Communications Branch of the OSS acquired a small number of electrically powered Hagelin BC-38 machines that were equipped with a keyboard. These were designated BC-543 and they were used by OSS stations. The machines were manufactured in Sweden, transported to the US and serviced at a house in Greenwich, Connecticut that Hagelin bought for this purpose (39).

Initially the internal settings and the indicators were prepared by the Signal Intelligence Agency (40) but it seems that by 1943 the OSS personnel were responsible for the production of keylists and the SIS only provided the indicators (41). The BC-543 machines were probably not used throughout the war, as they are not mentioned in the OSS cryptographic plan for 1945 (42).

2). Boris Hagelin the millionaire

Boris Hagelin became the first crypto millionaire thanks to the sale of the M-209 machine to the US government. The report ‘H.R. 1152-Friedman Relief Bill and Related Informal Notes’ (43) says that after taxes he kept approximately 1.850.000 dollars!

3). The Hagelin patents

The patents that Hagelin transferred to the US government were 2,089,603 and 2,247,170. They can be downloaded from the US Patent and Trademark Office.

4). Postwar use:

The M-209 was used by the US military during the Korean war of 1950-53. Did the same security compromises also occur in that conflict? At this time there is no information on whether M-209 traffic was exploited by a foreign power but it seems reasonable to assume that the Soviet codebreakers would have been able to solve messages in depth and recover the absolute settings.

5). The special conference on M-209 security

During the war the British were aware from decoded messages that the regular solution of M-209 traffic by the Germans gave them valuable intelligence regarding the US order of battle and their operational plans. It seems that after the war they examined the files of Inspectorate 7/VI, which had been found in 1947 in a camp in Austria, and they must have considered the solution of the M-209 as a very serious breach of Allied cryptosecurity. The Americans were obviously interested in downplaying this compromise but in October 1950 a conference was held in the US with American and British officials to discuss the matter (44).

William Friedman said: ‘that the purpose of the gathering was to discuss in general the security of the American cipher machine M-209, and in particular the amount of M-209 traffic solved by the Germans during World War II and the amount of intelligence they obtained therefrom. Mr. Friedman said that the question had arisen during a recent discussion in which the British representative, Mr. Miller, had referred to the vast amount of intelligence which had been obtained by the Germans from the reading of traffic encrypted with the American cipher machine M-209, a statement the validity of which Mr. Friedman had questioned and which he had asked Mr. Miller to discuss with him’. The Americans tried to downplay the extent of the M-209 compromise but in the end, it was accepted that ‘Disregarding information obtained from the use of captured M-209 key lists, it is generally agreed that a considerable amount of American M-209 traffic was broken by the Germans during World War II, from which little tactical intelligence was deduced, but from which an appreciable amount of strategic intelligence was obtained. It is further agreed that, due to the inefficiency of the German intercept organization, the lack of modern cryptanalytic machinery, and the failure of the Germans at high levels to appreciate the value of speedy intercept, forwarding, and processing of traffic, the German success did not represent the maximum potential exploitation’.

As can be seen from the reports of Inspectorate 7/VI and NAASt 5 this is not an accurate assessment of the German effort and the statements made during the conference are contradicted by the German reports (speed of M-209 solutions, number of M-209 keys in use, use of cryptanalytic machine, use of teleprinter lines for transmission of traffic).

A more accurate assessment would be that within six months of intercepting M-209 traffic the Germans had managed to identify the cryptosystem, solve messages in depth, analyze the internal operation of the device and clarify the indicator procedure. By 1944 the interception of M-209 traffic was given a high priority both by the Army and Air Force, the field sigint units had been shown the methods of solution and could contribute to the recovery of relative and absolute settings, traffic and indicators were transmitted through teleprinter links and even a specialized cryptanalytic device was used. Considering the deterioration of the German economy and military organizations in the period 1943-45 as well as the constant retreats of German troops this effort was close to the best that could be accomplished under the circumstances.

6). M-209 vs equivalent British ciphers

In the previously mentioned M-209 security conference the British representative mr Perrin stated that their equivalent system the Stencil Subtractor (SS) Frame, ‘was never read by the Germans except for one month when the basic book had been captured’. This implies that the system was superior to the M-209 and that in general the British had a very high level of cryptologic security during the war.

The reality was different. The British high level enciphered 4-figure codebooks were read by the Germans during the war. Specifically, the Royal Navy’s Code and Cipher, the Army’s War Office Cipher, the RAF’s Cipher and the Interdepartmental Cipher (used by the Foreign Office, Colonial, Dominions and India offices and the Services).

Regarding midlevel ciphers a report from October 1942 says that the authorized systems were Cysquare and enciphered three figure codebooks (45).

The enciphered three figure codes were not only inferior to the M-209 cryptologically but they also required the creation, printing and distribution of codebooks and enciphering tables to field units.

As for Cysquare, it was a raster type cipher with a high level of theoretical security but according to its creator John Tiltman it proved to be a failure in the field (46): ‘At this point I may as well confess that the cipher was a complete flop. It must have been issued to the Eighth Army in pad form as it was apparent very shortly after its introduction that the code clerks refused to use it on the grounds that after a very little desert weather and use of indiarubber the permitted squares were indistinguishable from the forbidden ones’.

Mr Perrin compared the M-209 to the Stencil Subtractor Frame, so it seems that at some point the standard British midlevel cryptosystem became the codebook enciphered with the SS Frame. The SS Frame was a stencil that was used together with a daily changing numerical table. The SS Frame defeated ‘depths’ as the user could select different starting points for the enciphering sequence and that point was further enciphered. This system might have had a high level of theoretical security but it was inferior to the M-209 in speed of encipherment/decipherment and significant resources had to be invested into creating, printing and distributing all this cipher material over long distances. Moreover, the loss of a codebook could compromise all the traffic sent in that system (as mentioned by mr Perrin) while capturing a M-209 keylist only compromised that day’s traffic.

For the sake of completeness, the M-209 should also be compared to the British double transposition cipher (with different keys for each stage). In November 1943 double transposition was adopted as the standard Low Grade Cipher, to be used together with the Map Reference code and Slidex (47). Double transposition, with different keys for each cage was a very secure system, provided however that it was used properly. It seems that this system was not a success because it was too complex to use in the field and the soldiers simply sent their messages in the clear. The War Office report announcing its replacement in February 1945 said (48):

Sir, I am commanded by the Arny Council to inform you that further consideration has been given to the suitability for operational purposes or the Low Grade cipher 'Double Transposition" which was introduced for use throughout the Army by War Office letter 32/Tels/943 dated 5th November, 1943.

2. Experience shows that while this cipher affords adequate security, unit personnel find it difficult and slow to operate. There is, therefore, a tendency to avoid the use of cipher with a consequent possibility of overstrain of other safe means of communication or the use of wireless in clear to a dangerous extent.

 3. It has, therefore, been decided to adopt a new Low Grade cipher, called LINEX, details of which are given in appendices A to D, in place of Double Transposition’.

So, to summarize the British cipher systems (Cysquare, enciphered three figure codebooks, codebooks enciphered with the SS Frame, double transposition) were not superior to the M-209, especially when one considers the following points:

1). Speed of encipherment/decipherment

2). The investment that would have to be made in creating, printing and distributing codebooks and enciphering tables to field units.

3). The impact that their compromise would have had in maintaining cryptosecurity. 

7). M-209 vs Enigma:

Regarding the cryptologic strength of the M-209 machine versus the plugboard Enigma, the expert on classical cipher systems George Lasry (49) has stated:

One comment about the security of the M-209. The claim that the Enigma is more secure than the M- 209 is disputable.

1) The best modern ciphertext-only algorithm for Enigma (Ostward and Weierud, 2017) requires no more than 30 letters. My new algorithm for M-209 requires at least 450 letters (Reeds, Morris, and Ritchie needed 1500). So the M-209 is much better protected against ciphertext-only attacks.

2) The Turing Bombe – the best known-plaintext attack against the Enigma needed no more than 15-20 known plaintext letters. The best known-plaintext attacks against the M-209 require at least 50 known plaintext letters.

3) The Unicity Distance for Enigma is about 28, it is 50 for the M-209.

4) The only aspect in which Enigma is more secure than M-209 is about messages in depth (same key). To break Enigma, you needed a few tens of messages in depth. For M-209, two messages in depth are enough. But with good key management discipline, this weakness can be addressed.

Bottom line – if no two messages are sent in depth (full, or partial depth), then the M-209 is much more secure than Enigma’.

8). Rejection of the M-209 leads to development of the Combined Cipher Machine - CCM

In 1942 there were discussions between US and British officials regarding the adoption of a cipher system for combined military operations. The Americans proposed that the M-138 strip cipher and the Converter M-209 be used for this purpose but neither system satisfied the British (50).

The British considered their Typex cipher machine secure enough for these communications but during the war production remained at relatively low levels. For this reason, a cipher attachment was developed that could be installed on to the US SIGABA and the British Typex Mk II cipher machines and it was produced by the US in large numbers. This was the Combined Cipher Machine - CCM and it was a 5-rotor non reciprocal system, issued with 10 rotors. The CCM was used extensively by the Anglo-Americans in the period 1943-45.

9).  Slow, cumbersome and inaccurate?

The US Army’s M-209 cipher machine was a powerful encryption system, even if it could sometimes be solved through mistakes in encipherment. Compared to hand ciphers it was faster and easier to use (once it had been set up), however it seems that contrary to regulations the US troops did not always use this system in the field since it still took too long to encipher their messages (a problem solved postwar through the use of enciphered speech devices):

‘Report of interview with S/Sgt, Communications Section 79 Inf Div, 7th Army’. (dated March 1945) (51):

"The US Army code machine #209 was found to be something that hampered operations. It would take at least half hour to get a message through from the message center by use of this code machine and as a result the codes of particular importance or speed, for instance mortar messages, were sent in the clear."


Also, from the ‘Immediate report No. 126 (Combat Observations)’ - dated 6 May 1945 (52): ‘Information on the tactical situation is radioed or telephoned from the regiments to corps at hourly or more frequent intervals. Each officer observer averages about 30 messages per day.………………The M-209 converter proved too slow, cumbersome and inaccurate for transmission of those reports and was replaced by a simple prearranged message code with excellent results’.

The British also noted the difficulty in setting up and operating the machine when evaluating its use as a NATO third level (tactical) cipher system in 1952 (53):

2. The U.K. Services nave now completed their trials and report as follows:

a. The setting up of the machine is complicated and lengthy. It takes from 20 to 35 minutes according to conditions of light, temperature, etc., and might be well be nigh impossible under the most adverse conditions to found on active service.

b. Operation of the machine is slow and tends to become slower owing to eye-strain due to the scrambling of the alphabet on the setting wheel.

c. Grit, dirt and damp may impair the function of the machine under active service conditions.

3. On practical grounds the U.K. Services are not prepared to use this machine for intra or combined purposes.

4. The UK Services agree however that the machine may fulfill a useful role at the third level in other NATO nations who may lack better equipment and that its use by those Nations at that level should be authorized provided the restrictions in the following paragraphs are enforced……………………………………

10). German cryptanalytic reports on the Hagelin C-38/M-209 

The following Hagelin C-38 reports were among the records of Inspectorate 7/VI recovered in 1947 by the US authorities from a camp in Glasenbach, Austria (54).

BC 38

Losung der BC 38 aus einem langen Chi-text (Berichtfragment) 1944.

2. Aktenvermerk ueber Erkennen von Phasengleichheit bei alphabetischen Spaltenverfahren. 8 Sept. 1944.

3. Aktenvermerk ueber das Erkennen der Phasereeleichheit bei alphabetischen Spaltenverfahren. 30 September 1944.

Untersuchungsergebnisse betreffend Schluesselgleichheit an franzoesisehen mit BC-38 verschluesseltem Spruchmaterial (von Ref. B2)

Aktenvermerk ueber einige Eigenschaften von Haeufigkeits-verteilungen der BC-38. 6 Sept. 1944.

 Erklaerung der Z-Leiste.

Plan fuer die Bearbeitung der amerikanischen und schwedischen Maschine BC 38. 19.8.44.

Aktenvermerk ueber Erkennen der Phasengleichheit bei alphabetischen spaltenverfahren. 8 Juli 1944,

Aktenvermerk. 1. Theoretische Chi-verteilungen der BC-38 bei verschiedenen Klarhaeufigkeiteno 2. Theoretische Chi-haeufigkeitsverteilungen der C-36.

10 Chi-Haeufigkeitsverteilungen der BC 38 mit USA-klarhaeufigkeiten.

Bericht ueber die analytischen Untersuchungen, die zur Bestimmung der amerikanischen Schluesselmaschine M-209 fuehrten. 1 Juli 1944.

Aktennotiz zur schwedischen BC-38. 13 Juni 1944.

Bericht ueber eine Methode zur Vorausscheidung der Konstanten C26 und C25 bei der absoluten Einstellung (AM 1) 27.6.44.

Erstellung des Tagesschluessels der amerikanischen Maschine M-209 bei Vorliegen von 2 Spruechen mit gleichen Kenngruppen 27 Januar 1944.

Aktennotiz zur Maschine C36. 21.1.44.

Bericht OKM/SKL/Chef MND IIIe ueber Loesungsmoeglichkeiten der Hagelin-Schluesselmaschine mit z. T. doppelten Reitern (Type BC 38). 18.11.43.

Sicherheit der Chiffriermaschine BC 38. 16 Okt. 1943.

Bericht. Ausl. Chiffrierwesen. 15 Maerz 1943.

Technische Erlaeuterung zur maschinellen Bearbeitung von AM 1 Kompromisstextloesungen auf der Texttiefe.

Betrug der Anfangsstellung eines Spruches bei Kenntnis des…. Einstellung der BC 38.


(1). Cryptologia: ‘The story of the Hagelin cryptos’, and ‘The History of Information Security’ chapter 16 ‘Boris Hagelin and Crypto AG: Pioneers of encryption’

(2). NSA Friedman collection: ‘Hagelin Patents, 1 January 1951’ - A66684

(3). War Department Technical Manual; TM 11-380 Converter M-209 - March 1944

(4). War Department Technical Manual; TM 11-380 Converter M-209 - March 1944

(5). Cryptologia article: ‘Automated Known-Plaintext Cryptanalysis of Short Hagelin M-209 Messages’, p1 (reprinted with permission from George Lasry)

(6). Cryptologia article: ‘Automated Known-Plaintext Cryptanalysis of Short Hagelin M-209 Messages’, p5 (reprinted with permission from George Lasry)

(7). The 1942 edition can be found in (link), the 1944 edition in the NSA’s Friedman collection (link), pics for the covers taken from ebay

(8). Pins: 26+25+23+21+19+17=131, lugs: 27x2=54

(9). The film is ‘War Department Training Film TF 11-1400 Converter M-209 (1944)’. The US indicator procedure is also described in TICOM reports DF-120 ‘Report on the solution of messages in depth of the American cipher device M-209’ (from my Google Drive TICOM folder) and I-175 ‘Report by Alfred Pokorn of OKH/Chi on M.209’ (from Randy Rezabek’s TICOM Archive)

(10). NSA Friedman collection: ‘The Friedman Lectures on Cryptology’, p162-3 - A2119475

(11). European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II vol 4 – Signal intelligence Service of the Army High Command sigint service

(12). War Diary of Inspectorate 7/VI, E-Bericht der NAASt 5

(13). European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II vol 5 - The German Air Force Signal Intelligence Service

(14). War Diary of Inspectorate 7/VI

(15). TICOM I-149 ‘Report by Uffz. Karrenberg and Colleagues on Allied Cipher Machines’ and TICOM I-113 ‘Interrogation of Major Dr. Rudolf Hentze’ (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(16). ‘German analysis of converter M-209 - POW interrogations’ (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(17). TICOM I-175 ‘Report by Alfred Pokorn, of OKH/Chi, on M-209’ (from Randy Rezabek’s TICOM Archive)

(18). TICOM DF-120 ‘Report on the solution of messages in depth of the American cipher device M-209’ (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(19). TICOM DF-120, p12-14

(20). Analysis of the German trigram technique by Jean-François Bouchaudy

(21). TICOM I-67 ‘Paper by Dr. Otto Buggisch of OKH/ In 7/VI and OKW/Chi on Cryptanalytic Machines’ (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(22). TICOM I-149 ‘Report by Uffz. Karrenberg and Colleagues on Allied Cipher Machines’, TICOM I-113 ‘Interrogation of Major Dr. Rudolph Hentze, head of Gruppe IV (cryptanalysis), General der Nachrichtenaufklärung’, TICOM DF-114 'German Cryptanalytic device for solution of M-209 traffic' (from my Google Drive TICOM folder) and TELEPOLIS: ‘Als deutscher Code-Knacker im Zweiten Weltkrieg

(23). TICOM I-113 ‘Interrogation of Major Dr. Rudolph Hentze, head of Gruppe IV (cryptanalysis), General der Nachrichtenaufklärung’ and Histocrypt 2024: ‘The TICOM DF-114 Cryptanalytic Device - A Theory of Operation and Computer Simulation’

(24). The War Diary of Inspectorate 7/VI can be found in the German Foreign Ministry’s Political Archive - TICOM collection - files Nr 2755-2761, regarding the reports of NAASt 5 three are in the US National Archives - collection RG 457 - Entry 9032 - box 22 titled ‘German deciphering reports’

(25). NARA - RG 457 - Entry 9032 - NR 4263 ‘Reports on enemy successes against US cryptosystems’, p5 (dated May 1945) (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(26). ‘Enigma Traitors: The Struggle to Lose the Cipher War’, p199-200

(27). Report CSDIC (UK) SIR 1374 ‘Kommandeur der Nachrichten Aufklärung 5’ says: O/Gefr WEBER: Good decoder. Speaks very good English. Used to work with In 7/VI, later with the decoding dept of NAA St 5. Height about 1.75 m, dark hair, slender build, clean-shaven, round face. About 23 yrs old. Not married. Was brought up in USA. (NARA FOIA)

(28). TELEPOLIS: ‘Als deutscher Code-Knacker im Zweiten Weltkrieg

(29). UK National Archives - HW 40/7 - ‘German Naval Intelligence successes against Allied cyphers, prefixed by a general survey of German Sigint’, p19

(30). San Francisco Maritime National Park Association: ‘HAG KEY LIST No. 2

(31). Japanese Intelligence in World War II by Ken Kotani

(32). Japanese Intelligence in World War II by Ken Kotani and Mathematics and War, chapter ‘Mathematics and War in Japan’

(33). Mathematics and War, chapter ‘Mathematics and War in Japan’

(34). Cryptologia: ‘The story of the Hagelin cryptos’ and ‘Codebreakers Arne Beurling and the Swedish Crypto Program During World War II’, chapter ‘Damm, Hagelin and Gyldén’

(35). NSA Friedman collection: ‘Intelligence Report No. 3’, p5 - A72343

(36). NSA Friedman collection: ‘Friedman Lecture Notes and Cards; Cryptograph and Cryptanalysis Go Back to the Dawn of Invention of Writing’ - A62870

(37). NARA - RG 457 - Entry 9032 - NR 4263 ‘Reports on enemy successes against US cryptosystems’, p6 (dated May 1945) (from my Google Drive TICOM folder)

(38). NSA Friedman collection: ‘The Friedman Lectures on Cryptology’, p163 - A2119475

(39). ‘The History of Information Security’ chapter 16 ‘Boris Hagelin and Crypto AG: Pioneers of encryption’

(40). ‘What OSS Black Chamber? What Yardley? What “Dr.” Friedman? Ah, Grombach?  Or Donovan’s Folly’, p21

(41). Special Research History SRH-145 ‘Collection of memoranda on operations of SIS intercept activities and dissemination 1942-45’ - Memorandum: ‘Codes and Ciphers of non-military agencies’ (dated 16 October 1943)

(42). Staff Study on OSS Cryptographic Plan - January 1945

(43). NSA Friedman collection: ‘H.R. 1152-Friedman Relief Bill and Related Informal Notes’ - A71827

(44). NSA Friedman collection: ‘Special Conference on M-209 Security, 12 October 1950’ - A66657

(45). British national archives: WO 193/211 ‘Wireless, cable and signal (including cipher) communications: policy and codes: action from report of Godwin-Austen Committee’ - War Office signals report dated October 1942 (received from Stuart Rutter)

(46). US report ‘A Cryptologic Fairy Tale’ by Brigadier John H. Tiltman

(47). British national archives: WO 193/211 ‘Wireless, cable and signal (including cipher) communications: policy and codes: action from report of Godwin-Austen Committee’ - War Office signals report dated November 1943 (received from Stuart Rutter)

(48). British national archives: WO 193/211 ‘Wireless, cable and signal (including cipher) communications: policy and codes: action from report of Godwin-Austen Committee’ - War Office signals report dated February 1945 (received from Stuart Rutter)

(49). Ciphertext-only cryptanalysis of short Hagelin M-209 ciphertexts, Automated Known-Plaintext Cryptanalysis of Short Hagelin M-209 Messages

(50). NSA Friedman collection: ‘Establishment of Joint Cryptographic Systems for the United States and Great Britain’ - A2435737 and ‘Background of Policy In Regard to Making SIGABA Available to the British’ – A2435719

(51). US national archives - collection RG457 - Entry 9032 - box 1.024 - US COMSEC reports

(52). Headquarters European Theatre of Operations United States Army - ‘Immediate report No. 126 (Combat Observations)’ - (dated 6 May 1945) - from

(53). NSA Friedman collection: ‘French Modified Converter M. 209-B, 6 March 1952’ - A66634

(54). TICOM report IF-272 - TAB ‘D’ ‘Documents of Oberkommando des Heeres’ (received from Randy Rezabek)

Pictures: M-209 pics found through Wikipedia commons user Rama


  1. An outstanding example of cryptographic research at its best. Thank you for your excellent article.

  2. Hi Christos! Although I just now discovered that you're active again, so great to see your new post on the M-209. That one will take some time to digest. Well, despite your "end of the road", just admit that mil and intel history is irresistible ;-]
