services collect information from various sources such as magazines, journals, newspapers,
government reports, secret agents etc. However the most accurate source has
always been the decoded traffic of a foreign state’s diplomatic and military networks.
For this reason there has always been a close relationship between a country’s
human intelligence and signal intelligence agencies.
During WWII
the British foreign intelligence service benefitted from the successes of
Bletchley Park versus Axis military, diplomatic and agents codes. Similarly the
German foreign intelligence services received summary reports from the Signal
Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces - OKW/Chi (Oberkommando
der Wehrmacht/Chiffrier Abteilung).
The Sicherheitsdienst was the security
service of the SS and its foreign intelligence department Amt VI (headed by General Walter Schellenberg)
had some notable successes
during the war. According to Schellenberg and two high-ranking SD officials their agency received daily reports
from OKW/Chi, containing important diplomatic messages from Bern, Ankara,
Algiers, Moscow and other areas.
Since it
seems that most of the OKW/Chi archives were destroyed or lost at the end of
WWII these statements are important in evaluating the successes or failures of
that organization.
1). General
Schellenberg was interrogated postwar by the Allies and in ‘Report on interrogation of Walter
Schellenberg 27 June- 12 July 1945’, p30 he said:
The Germans broke the American code.
Messages sent by HARRISON, U.S.A. minister in Berne, to Washington, lay daily
deciphered on SCHELLENBERG's desk. These messages sometimes contained
intelligence service material. SCHELLENBERG also received Turkish, Polish,
French, Swiss, South American, Spanish and Portuguese messages which were all
2). SS-Sturmbannführer
Dr. Klaus Huegel was an important SD official with knowledge of German spy
activities in Switzerland and Italy. In one of his postwar interrogations he
mentioned that from April 1943 to March 1944 he had access to the daily reports
sent from OKW/Chi to General Schellenberg. The reports often included US
diplomatic messages from Bern, Switzerland, British messages from the Bern
embassy, De Gaulle traffic from Algiers to Washington and messages from the
Turkish ambassador in Moscow.

3). Giselher Wirsing was an
accomplished author and journalist, who in 1944 joined the SD foreign
intelligence department as an evaluator. Wirsing had come to the attention of General Schellenberg due to his clear
headed analysis of the global political situation and of Germany’s poor outlook
for the future. Under Schellenberg’s protection he wrote a series of objective reports
(called Egmont berichte) showing that
Germany was losing the war and thus a political solution would have to be found
to avoid total defeat. While writing his reports Wirsing had
access to the OKW/Chi summaries sent to the SD leadership. According to him the
messages ‘did not reveal any startling
news‘ but were useful in assessing information from other sources. He remembered
messages from the US, Japanese, Turkish and Bulgarian ambassadors in
Moscow, State Department messages to
Paris, traffic from the US mission in the Balkans and messages from the Polish
mission in Jerusalem to their London based goverment in exile.

Overall it is clear that OKW/Chi provided valuable information to the Sicherheitsdienst
leadership, even though they served different masters (OKW/Chi was subordinated
to the military while the Sicherheitsdienst came under the control of the Nazi
Sources: CIA FOIA reports HUEGEL, KLAUS No 22 and WIRSING, GISELHER No 16,
British national archives KV 2/95
‘Walter Friedrich SCHELLENBERG: rose to be No. 2 in the S.D. and was close to