intelligence and codebreaking played an important role in WWII. British and
American codebreakers solved many important Axis crypto systems, such as the
German Enigma machine and the Japanese Navy’s code JN25. Similarly the
codebreakers of the Axis nations also
had their own victories versus Allied codes.
accurate information on the compromise of this system is limited and the
statements made in some of the available TICOM reports are often contradictory. Still it is clear that from
1940 till late 1944 the Axis codebreakers were able to read a lot of the
traffic sent on the ‘circular’ and ‘special’ strips.
complicated cases like this one the only way to find more information is by
checking all the available sources. During WWII there was an exchange of
information between Germany, Finland and Japan on the State Department’s strip
cipher. Some of these messages were intercepted and decoded by the Western
Allies, so it is possible to track the progress of the Axis codebreakers
through their decoded messages.
For example a
message sent from the Japanese military attaché in Helsinki, Finland to Tokyo,
Japan in January 1943 lists the alphabet strip solved by the Finnish
codebreakers in the previous year (1).

Similar messages were decoded by the Allies in the period 1943-45. The
cryptosystem used, during that period, by Japanese attaches for transmitting
information on Allied codes and ciphers was called JAT. This was a
digraphic-tetragraphic letter code used together with a book containing random
4-figure groups and a Gronsfeld
type square with 10 substitution alphabets (2). First the message was
encoded using the letter code and then a starting point was selected in the
random number book (which contained 500 pages with 100 4-digit groups in each
page). The numerical sequence was written underneath the encoded text and each
letter was coupled with the underlying digit and then substituted using the
Gronsfeld square. The receiving party would check the indicator of the message
in order to identify the starting point of the ‘key’ in the 4-figure book and
follow the same instructions to decipher and decode the message.

This complicated system was not easy to solve and required extensive
research on behalf of the Allied codebreakers. Breaks in the system were
possible by taking advantage of the stereotyped form of the reports, the
limitations of the Gronsfeld square and by using the Allied cipher material as
a ‘crib’ (suspected plaintext in the ciphertext). When the Japanese announced
in a message that specific Allied codes would be transmitted in the next ones
it was often possible to locate the compromised system and use it to break the
Japanese code. For example:
The exchange of Allied cipher material between Japan and Germany started
in 1941 but did not lead to close cooperation between the two countries since
the Germans distrusted the Japanese and in addition there were many
difficulties in transmitting information from Europe to Japan. It seems that in 1944 the German leadership
decided to share more information with the Japanese representatives and the Signal
Intelligence Agency of the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces - OKW/Chi
(Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/Chiffrier Abteilung) gave them decoded Polish and
US messages (3).
It is
possible that some of these US diplomatic messages were enciphered with the M-138-A
strip cipher. A message from Tokyo said that ‘We conclude that the German Special Intelligence in your 190 comes from
reading strips. If this is so, please send the strips concerned’.
codebreakers of Bletchley Park also thought that the No 190 telegram should be brought to the attention of the
Americans and their message stated ‘in
view of more serious nature of leakage …. grateful if you would ensure that
attention of G2 is drawn’. Surprisingly
the response of the State Department was that this was simply the old Brown
code, known to be insecure. It is not clear why the Germans would bother
sending the Japanese messages encoded with ‘Brown’, since they had received a
copy of that codebook from the Japanese in 1941…
It is
possible that this might not be the whole truth. In the US national archives
there are several boxes containing decoded US diplomatic messages titled
‘German decrypts of US diplomatic messages 1944’ (4). In one of these boxes
there is a report WDGSS-93 ‘Translations on American decodes’ with a detailed
list of several US messages. Using that report I was able to track down the
message from Bombay. It was No 451 of August 9, 1944.
In another box
at NARA there is a folder ‘M-138-A numerical keys/daily key table/alphabet
strips’ (5) which contains State department alphabet strips and keylists both
circular’ and ‘special’. A report in these files shows the alphabet strips and
keylists used on specific messages. Originally I thought this report was
connected with an investigation of the Finnish
exploitation of the State Department’s strip cipher but it is possible that
I was wrong and it concerns the German effort based on the decoded Japanese
military attaché messages.
The report
shows that a message from Bombay, dated 9 August ’44 was enciphered on the
keylist No13 and either the No 20-3 or 20-4 alphabet strips and also mentions a
message from Calcutta of August 10, 1944. If these were the same messages as in
the No 190 telegram then it means that the State Department was willing to
cover up its own security failures by lying to the British…
(1). British
national archives HW 40/132
(2). NARA - RG 457 - Entry 9032 - box 1018 - ‘JAT write up - selections from
JMA traffic'
(3). British
national archives HW 40/132 and HW 40/221
(4). NARA- RG
457 - Entry 9032 - Boxes 205-213
(5). NARA - RG
457 - Entry 9032 - Box 214
Acknowledgments: I have to thank Ralph Erskine for pointing out
that the Japanese code used to transmit information on Allied codes was a hand
system and not the Coral cipher machine.
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