The OWI had representative in countries abroad and participated not only
in news gathering activities but also Anti-Axis propaganda and even espionage.
Especially in Bern, Switzerland the local station, headed by Gerald M Mayer, cooperated
closely with the OSS - Office of
Strategic Services station of Allen Dulles.
The book ‘Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews’, p265 says about Mayer:
‘Gerald Mayer was officially OWI’s
man in Bern but in fact he was Allen Dulles’s cover and right hand man’The book ‘Hitler, the Allies, and the Jews’, p265 says about Mayer:
The same book mentions an OWI message from Mayer to Elmer Davis, dated 25 May 1944, decoded by the German codebreakers on June 6. The telegram ‘described the holocaust in Carpatho-Russia and the Mamaros areas of Hungary on the basis of ‘’reliable sources and even on the basis of Hungarian newspapers’’. From the contents of the decode it is clear that it was OWI telegram Bern-Washington No 3.346:
The Finnish codebreakers also read these messages, as can be seen from decodes found in the Finnish national archives (the originals can be found at NARA, collection RG 59):
Bern-Washington -16/1/1943 - No 377
Bern-Washington -28/1/1944 - No 564
Bern-Washington 9.3.1944 No.1438 (to Elmer Davis OWI from Mayer)

Additional information: An evaluation of OWI ciphers by the US Joint
Chiefs of Staff is available:
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