have not only acknowledged these Allied successes but they’ve probably
exaggerated their importance in the actual campaigns of the war.
the work of the Axis codebreakers hasn’t received similar attention. As I’ve
mentioned in my piece Acknowledging
failures of crypto security all the participants suffered setbacks from
weak/compromised codes and they all had some successes with enemy systems.
Britain, the
Soviet Union and the United States did not have impenetrable codes. In the
course of WWII all three suffered setbacks from their compromised
Time to take
a look at the British side and their worst failures.
The basic
British cryptosystem for important radio-traffic was the enciphered codebook. These
4-figure codebooks were enciphered with subtractor tables, using the
non-carrying system. The military services had their own series of cyphers such
as the War
Office Cypher for the Army and the RAF cypher
for the airforce plus there were diplomatic editions for the Foreign Office and
the Interdepartmental
Cypher that was used both by the services and the civilian organizations.
The codebook
was basically a dictionary that
assigned a 4-figure group to each word. For example the word ‘division’ would
have the code 5538, ‘attack’ 2090, ‘artillery’ 0231 etc etc
So the cipher clerk would first use the codebook in order to find the
code groups corresponding to the words of the message and then he would have to
use the subtractor tables in order to encipher them. This means that each
codegroup would be subtracted from the key groups (of the subtractor table) without
carrying over the numbers.
For example let’s say that the following message is handed to the cipher
frigate sighted South-West of Malta.
Let’s assume that using the codebook this becomes: enemy=2591 , frigate=7482
, sighted=5556 , SW=3309 , Malta= 4610
So the message becomes 2591
7482 5556 3309 4610
This will be enciphered using the subtractor table valid for this time
period. This was a book containing (usually) 15.000 numerical groups. The
cipher clerk had to choose a random page and random starting point and then use
that numerical sequence for enciphering the codegroups. Let’s say that the
clerk chooses the 9th page and 2nd line from the subtractor table.
He needs five key groups and these are 5668
8301 3496 3540 7778.
Now he would subtract the code groups of the message from these key groups, without carrying.
frigate sighted South-West of Malta
2591 7482 5556 3309 4610 - code groups
5668 8301 3496 3540 7778 - key groups
3177 1929 8940 0241 3168 – cipher groups
The receiving
party would identify from the indicator of the message the page and line that was
used from the subtractor book and then subtract the received cipher sequence
from the numerical key sequence. This would reveal the code groups whose
meaning would be deduced from the Cypher book.
this was a time consuming operation and prone to errors due to mistakes in
However it
was thought at the time that the use of both a codebook and enciphering tables
provided a very high level of security against enemy codebreakers.
Mistakes in the use of enciphered
The War
Office Cypher and the Interdepartmental Cypher were read by the German
codebreakers mainly thanks to physical compromise.
The Germans
captured two copies of the WOC in 1940, one during the Norway campaign and the
other near Dunkirk. By having the codebook and by taking advantage of frequent
‘depths’ (messages enciphered with the same numeric sequence) they were able to
read traffic in the Middle East Theatre in the period summer 1941
till January 1942.
The official
history ‘British intelligence in the Second World War’ vol2, p298 says:
‘If under-estimation of the quality of Rommel's equipment was one reason why
British confidence was high when the Crusader offensive began, another was the
failure to allow for the efficiency of his field intelligence. By August 1941
the Germans were regularly reading the War Office high-grade hand cypher which
carried a good deal of Eighth Army's W/T traffic down to division level, and
they continued to do so until January 1942. Until then, when their success was
progressively reduced by British improvements to the recyphering system,
whereas GC and CS's success against the German Army Enigma continued to expand,
this cypher provided them with at least as much intelligence about Eighth
Army's strengths and order of battle as Eighth Army was obtaining about those
of Rommel's forces.’
Interdepartmental Cypher was used by the Foreign Office, Colonial,
Dominions and India offices and the Services. Also used by the Admiralty for
Naval Attaches, Consular Officers and Reporting Officers. The basic book was
captured from the British
consulate in Bergen in May 1940, allowing the
Germans to solve ‘depths’ during the period 1940-43. In their efforts they
were assisted by poor British cipher practices. A security investigation in
1942 showed that the tables were overloaded, leading to heavy ‘depths’ and the
indicators were not selected correctly.
German exploitation of the ID Cypher ended on 15 June 1943 when the codebook
was changed.
In both cases it is highly
doubtful that the Germans could have solved this traffic on their own, without
having the basic codebooks. It was a big mistake to continue using codebooks
that were almost certainly expected to have fallen in enemy hands. Had the
Brits introduced new versions in
late 1940 or early 1941 the German success would have been nipped in the bud.
This was not however
true in the case of the RAF Cypher. This was a 4-figure codebook enciphered with
subtractor tables. The codebreakers of the Luftwaffe’s Chi Stelle did not have
the basic book but they were able to ‘break’ into the system in March 1940 and
traffic between the Air Ministry and Gibraltar, Malta, Habbaniya, Ismailia was
read. From early 1941 to November 1942 traffic in the Med/Middle East was also
compromised. According to Dr Voegele, chief cryptanalyst of the Luftwaffe: ‘From
Sept. '41 to Nov. '42 the majority of the 200 - 400 daily intercepted 4 fig.
messages could be decyphered with an average delay of 5 - 10 days, in single
cases messages were decyphered the day of intercept.’
The German success was once again dependent on ‘depths’ and they didn’t
have to search hard to find them. According to the report AIR 20/1531 ’R.A.F.
signal communications: security’ in 1940-41 there were two series of
enciphering tables in use with the RAF Cypher, the ‘Special’ for higher
formations and the ‘General’ for all units. Traffic was not split evenly
between the two tables because the units that had the ‘Special’ sets were
usually equipped with the Typex cipher machine so they relied on that. Considering
that the ‘General’ tables were the ones used all the time and that they were
valid for three months it was only natural that there would be heavy ‘depths’,
although the number of 150 given by the report is definitely impressive!
The Royal
Navy’s main cryptologic systems were the Code and Cypher. The former was used
for mid-level traffic and the latter for high level messages. Naval Cypher No1 (a
4-figure book) and the Administrative Code (a 5-figure book) were used from
1934 till August 1940. There was also the Auxiliary Code No3, (a 4-letter book)
used from 1937 till August 1940 by small units. This was discontinued in August
1940 and instead small units used the Naval Code enciphered with Auxiliary
Vessels tables.
It is
immediately obvious that these systems were used for too long, thus compromising
their security. If that wasn’t enough, instead of introducing new editions at
the start of WWII they continued to be used up till August 1940!
mistakes did not pass undetected by the codebreakers of Germany and Italy. The
German naval codebreakers attacked these cryptosystems with success. In 1935-6
the Administrative Code was solved and in 1938 the Naval Cypher followed. At
the start of the war the Auxiliary Code was also read with little difficulty.
They were greatly aided in their efforts by the poor British decision to use
the Administrative and Auxiliary codes unreciphered
for non-confidential traffic. This allowed them to recover the true values
of the codebooks and then focus only on breaking the enciphering tables.
there were mistakes in the construction of the codebooks and their use.
According to the article ‘The Cryptographic Services of the Royal (British) and Italian Navies’, written
by Admiral Luigi Donini, one of the top Italian codebreakers of WWII, some of the
main British mistakes were:
1). Reuse of
the same key sequence over and over, leading to ‘depths’.
2). The
period of validity of the enciphering tables was badly commensurate with the
level of radio traffic.
3). Numerical
sequences from old table were sometimes added in the new ones. His explanation
for this was ‘perhaps for quicker
4). For many
years the indicators were not enciphered thus making it very easy to locate ‘depths’. When enciphered indicators were
first used the method was so clumsy that ‘it
only caused us a two week crisis’.
5). The
Cypher book did not contain homophones, ie did not assign two or more
codegroups for a certain word of very high frequency.
6). Signals
almost always began with the complete address to …from…
7). According
to the article: ‘Geographical names were
coupled, as an alternate interpretation, to vocabulary entries beginning with
the same two or three letters. e.g.: 7184 = Give/Gibraltar, 0921 = Last/La
Spezia, 4650 = Make/Malta, 2935 = All Concerned/Alexandria, 7714 =
Left/Leghorn. This was of great help in identifying the geographical term when
we had already identified the vocabulary term coupled thereto and vice versa;’
Donini also points
out that the failure to introduce new Code and Cypher books at the start of the
war was the biggest mistake:
‘In my opinion, however, the most
serious British carelessness or inadvertence was to keep in use for the whole
first year of war with Germany the same principal naval cipher which was in
force since the time of the Spanish civil war, broken by us (and by the
Germans) in 1938.’
failures meant that during most of WWII the Royal Navy’s most important
cryptosystems were systematically exploited by the enemy with disastrous
consequences for the Allies.
in the Atlantic – The case of Naval Cypher No3
Probably the
biggest failure of British crypto security was the compromise of Naval Cypher
No3, also known as the Convoy Cypher, since it was used in the Atlantic by the
British, American and Canadian Navies.
In peacetime
Britain was dependent on imports of raw materials and agricultural products
from around the world. During WWII these shipments were vital for the smooth
functioning of the war economy. The Germans knew that if they managed to sink
the majority of supplies crossing the Atlantic then Britain would be
economically strangled and would have no choice but to sue for peace. Even if
this did not happen the lack of military supplies would make it impossible to
launch heavy attacks on continental Europe.
The head of
the U-boat service, Admiral Doenitz had calculated that with a large numbers of
submarines he could achieve victory. His operational strategy was to overwhelm
convoys with a large number of U-boats. These wolfpacks could evade the few escort vessels and sink the majority
of merchant ships. The rest would disperse and could be picked off at a later
time. In order for the wolfpack strategy to work the Germans needed to know the
route and speed of the convoys in advance.
During the
war the Germans had limited success in fielding a naval airforce and although
they used traffic analysis and direction finding they had to rely mostly on codebreaking
in order to track the Allied convoys.
According to
TICOM report I-143 'Report on the Interrogation of Five Leading Germans at
Nuremburg on 27th September 1945', p6
‘Doenitz stated emphatically that Sigint had
been very valuable to him. It had been the best source of Naval Intelligence,
and indeed, when air recce, etc., were not available, had often been the only
source of operational information.’
Since the
convoys were vital for the Allied cause one would expect that every measure
would be taken to ensure the impenetrability of their communications.
Unfortunately the blunders of the responsible departments defy belief.
The need for
a special codebook solely for Allied convoy duties had not been foreseen prior
to WWII and thus the Brits had to give the Americans and Canadians copies of
their Naval Cypher No3. The first problem was that their own codebook had to be
used for longer than anticipated since Cypher No3 could not replace it as
The security
of the enciphered codebook system depended on the frequent changes of enciphering tables and the introduction
of a new codebook after a reasonable
period of time. Obviously the meaning of ‘reasonable’ changed during the war.
The first Naval Cypher was used from 1934 till August 1940. The next edition
Naval Cypher No2 was valid from August 1940 till January 1942. Its replacement
Naval Cypher No4 (as No3 was used in the Atlantic) was valid from January 1942
till June 1943. So in the period 1940-1943 Cyphers were changed roughly every 1.5 years. One would
expect that the Convoy Cypher would be valid for a similar timeframe or perhaps
for security reasons it would have been changed sooner, maybe after 1 year.
Naval Cypher No3 wasn’t changed after 1 year. It wasn’t changed after 1.5 year.
It was actually used from June 1941 till
June 1943.
The continued
use of the same basic codebook for two years meant that the codebreakers of the
B-Dienst had an easy time recovering the true values and then they only needed
‘depths’ in order to read current traffic. The heavy traffic in the Atlantic
combined with the small size of the enciphering tables (at 15.000 groups) led
to heavy ‘depths’. For example M table-General: 218,000 groups in August ’42, S table-Atlantic: 148,000 groups in October
1942 and 220,000 in November.
The Germans
would have to be incompetent in order to be defeated by a system that was used
for two years and had huge ‘depths’ on
a daily basis. They were able to ‘break’ into the traffic in December ’41, by
February ’42 they had reconstructed parts of the book and till 15 December ’42
they were reading a large proportion of the traffic (at times up to 80% of
intercepted messages). In December an indicator change set them back but from
February ’43 they were again able to read the messages. Their greatest success
with the Convoy Cypher was achieved in 1943. From February till June they often
read signals 10-20 hours in advance of the actions mentioned in them. Also from
February ‘42 to June ‘43 they could decode the daily Admiralty U-boat disposition signal nearly every day.
The German
naval codebreakers were finally defeated in June ’43 when Naval Cypher No5
replaced No3 in the Atlantic. It didn’t take a miracle to end their success,
just a new basic codebook that was long overdue….
Ships code
Since I’ve
covered Naval Cypher No3 it’s important to also have a quick look at another
very important system connected with the convoy battles. This was the cryptosystem
used by merchant ships. Merchant ships had their own codebooks. During 1939
this was the International Code and Naval Appendix, from January ’40 to April
’42 it was the Merchant Navy Code and for the rest of the war the Merchant
Ships Code. The Merchant Navy code and the Merchant ships code were captured
from merchant ships and their enciphering tables were solved throughout the
intelligence in the Second World War’ vol2, p639 says that these two systems ‘were
a prolific source of information to the B-Dienst second only to the Naval
Cypher No3 in their importance to the battle of the Atlantic’.
Since these
codebooks were in circulation around the world it’s not strange that they were
physically compromised. Once they had
the basic book it was obviously easy to break into the traffic by taking
advantage of ‘depths’. Could the British authorities have taken measures to
secure this system? Yes and no. On the one hand a codebook used in such
numbers, by ships around the world could not have been made secure. On the
other hand a simple British countermeasure greatly limited the value of these
decoded messages for the B-Dienst.
What was this
measure? Simply enciphering the
coordinates sent in the messages. This security measure was implemented in
December 1943. Better late than never…
Cipher machines
The extensive
use of enciphered codebooks by the British authorities does not imply that they
were not aware of the benefits of a modern cipher machine. On the contrary had
things gone according to plan they would have been supplied with one in large
numbers and thus have been spared the losses that resulted from the fact that
their communications were compromised.
In 1926, the British Government set up an
Inter-Departmental Cypher Committee to investigate the possibility of replacing
the book systems then used by the armed forces, the Foreign Office, the Colonial
Office and the India Office with a cipher machine. It was understood that a
cipher machine would be inherently more secure than the codebook system and
much faster to use in encoding and decoding messages. Despite spending a
considerable amount of money and evaluating various models by 1933 the
committee had failed to find a suitable machine. Yet the need for such a device
continued to exist and the Royal Air Force decided to independently fund such a
project. The person in charge of their programme was Wing Commander Lywood, a
member of their Signals Division. Lywood decided to focus on modifying an
existing cipher machine and the one chosen was the commercially successful Enigma. Two more
rotor positions were added in the scrambler unit and the machine was modified
so that it could automatically print the enciphered text. This was done so
these machines could be used in the DTN-Defence Teleprinter Network.
The new machine was called Typex (originally RAF Enigma with
TypeX attachments). In terms of security it was similar to a
commercial Enigma but had the additional security measure of multiple notches
per rotor. This meant that during encipherment the rotors moved more often than
in the standard Enigma machines.
The problems with Typex were:
1). Due to the failure of the Inter-Departmental
Cypher Committee to select a cipher machine for mass production and the
solitary efforts of the RAF in the mid 1930’s there were only a small number of
Typex machines available at the start of WWII. The first contract in 1938 was
for 350 machines and it’s doubtful that all would have been delivered by
September 1939. Note that at that time the Germans had about 10.000 Enigmas in
2). The ability to print the enciphered text came at a
heavy (literally!) price. While the German Enigma machine was relatively small
and compact, the Typex version built in large numbers Typex Mk II was bulky and
weighed 54kg. Thus it could only be used at prepared sites.
‘Some of the reasons for the low production rate are clear. Any rotor-based machine tends to be very complex mechanically. Figures 2 and 3 illustrate just how many different parts a Typex machine included. Typex Mk. VI contained about 700 parts, few of which were common to other models. Typex must have been a quartermaster's nightmare - much more so than Enigma, because of Typex's printer. Typex's relative complexity proved too much for the British machine tool industry. Overloaded as the industry was with the demands of the war economy generally, it took almost two years to obtain the machine tools required to manufacture Typex, despite the priority that would have been accorded to it. Only 2,300 Typex machines had been made by the end of 1942, 4,078 by December 1943 and 5,016 by May 1944.’
For comparison’s purposes at least 40.000 Enigma
machines were built by the Germans.
4). Because
they were complex the machines often malfunctioned
For these reasons
the Brits did not have, during WWII, a cipher machine in widespread use like
the Germans did.
Low level codes
Does the
compromise of low level codes count as a failure of cryptologic security? By
their very nature low level codes are expected to secure information only for a
limited amount of time. Still during WWII important information was passed on
these systems and by reading these messages the Axis powers got order of battle
data and even information on upcoming operations.
Some of the British
low level codes extensively exploited by the Germans were the Syllabic cipher, Slidex,
RAF Syko/Rekoh cards, Bomber code and the RN’s small ships codes.
The war diary
of the German Army’s Inspectorate 7/VI has references to the Syllabic cipher,
used at division level by the British Army. Although details on this system are
lacking it is possible that it was similar to the well know Slidex.
The Slidex
card system was used extensively by the British armed forces in the period
1943-45 but had very limited security. The decoded traffic provided the Germans
with valuable intelligence, especially since it was used by ALO’s (Army Liaison
Officers) in requesting air strikes.
cards were used by the RAF as a low level system and they were extensively read
by the codebreakers of the Luftwaffe. Messages from the planes of Coastal
Command had important information.
information was sometimes very important as in the run-up to the Normandy
Special Operations Executive codes
At the start
of WWII the British foreign intelligence service SIS did not perform well. This
led to the establishment of a similar organization in 1940, called SOE - Special
Operations Executive. SOE was created to ‘set Europe ablaze’, so the main
task was to organize resistance groups in the occupied countries and provide
them with weapons and explosives. Still the fact that SOE had agents, spy
groups and informers meant that it was trespassing on the activities of the
SIS. As would be expected countless power struggles ensued between these two
The wartime
performance of SOE was mixed
at best. Although they certainly had their successes, countless SOE
networks were compromised and their members arrested and executed. In Holland
their entire network fell under German control in the famous Englandspiel operation. In
France they lost countless agents and networks. Just the fall of their Prosper
network in 1943 led to the arrest of hundreds of resistance members.
SOE was
disbanded in 1946 and most of its archives were destroyed postwar with some
lost in a fire. Unfortunately the loss of the archives means that many
questions about SOE wartime operations can never be answered.
Were some of
the failures of SOE in Western Europe connected with their insecure cryptosystems? Leo Marks, head of the SOE
cipher section, was constantly worried about the insecurity of their poem code
but it took him till late 1943 to introduce the unbreakable letter one time
pad. The change was gradual and even in 1944 many insecure systems continued to
be used.
The main crypto
system used by SOE for most of the war was double
transposition, using a poem as a ‘key’ generator.
Why did SOE
use this system for so long? In the beginning SOE communications were handled
by SIS and it seems that the double transposition system was imposed by SIS. According
to ‘Between Silk and Cyanide: The Story
of SOE's Code War’, p40
‘Ozanne was advised by his friend and mentor
Brigadier Gambier-Parry, C’s director of Signals, that their agents were going
to continue using the poem-code (or some minor variation of it) as he had no
doubt whatever that agents codes should be carried in their heads. This was all
Ozanne needed to hear. What was good enough for the agents of the British
Secret Service must be good enough for SOE.’
and in page
57 when Marks wanted to change it he was told ‘Furthermore, I had greatly exaggerated the poem-code’s insecurity.
Properly used it was perfectly suitable for SOE’s purposes.’
Was the
double transposition a secure and reliable system? Let’s see what a report
titled ‘S.O.E. FIELD CIPHERS’ has to say:
Transposition systems based on poems
or emergency phrases carried in the agent's head are a complete failure as the
main system for S.O.E. type clandestine traffic.
1). Because if an agent is caught and
tortured, he will almost certainly reveal the details of his poems – thus
enabling the enemy to decipher all of his traffic which they have intercepted.
This consideration is of paramount importance.
2). Low grade security is afforded when
stereotyped messages are sent in transposition.
3). Under emotional stress the agent
cannot remember his poems without difficulty, and when he can remember them he
has not the time to use the code with the accuracy it requires.
4). After about 15-20 messages have
been passed on a poem, the agent has a tendency to repeat the indicators he has
previously used. If he is instructed to retain the list of indicators he will
also retain his list of en clair messages; if he is instructed to destroy his
messages, then it is a psychological certainty that he will revert to using
indicators which have been tried and proven.
"If Indicator 123 has been
cleared by the Home Station once, let us use it again and take no
Leo Marks
upgraded the security of SOE communications by introducing prepared keys for
the double transposition system (called WOK’s-Worked-Out Keys) and with the
Letter One time Pad- LOP. Even so it took a long time to replace the vulnerable
systems with new ones and the report says:
‘S.O.E.'s field cipher security abroad
was a mess from 1942 to the middle of 1943; from 1943 to 1945 it was put on a
sound basis, but the rot was so embedded that some agents were using in 1945
conventions with which they had been issued in 1942.‘
Could SIS
have helped out with SOE’s cryptologic problems?
According to
‘Between Silk and Cyanide: The Story of
SOE's Code War’, p250 in early 1943 Leo Marks met Commander Dudley-Smith
of Bletchley Park and demonstrated the Letter One time Pad- LOP system that he
had devised. Dudley-Smith was impressed by the fact that Marks had thought of
it by himself but also said: ‘As a matter of fact letter one time pads have
been working very successfully for quite a long time’.
obviously knew how weak the double transposition system and probably did not
use it themselves but they insisted that SOE should use it. For protecting
their own communications they had LOP’s but they did not share this information
with SOE. The strange behavior of the SIS leadership could be explained by
their willingness to sabotage SOE operations, or at least to keep a close eye
on them by forcing SOE to use a crypto system that could not resist a serious
cryptanalytic attack.
If this interpretation
is correct then the underhanded behavior of SIS definitely hurt the Allied war
effort as some SOE communications were in fact decoded by Referat
12 (Referat Vauck) of the German Army’s signal intelligence agency
Inspectorate 7/VI!
Securing British codes – 1943-45
the information presented so far it is obvious that British cryptologic
security was (more or less) a mess in the first half of WWII and continued to
have serious vulnerabilities even in 1943-45.
However it
should be acknowledged that the Brits systematically upgraded their systems and
were finally able to secure their mid and high level codes in the period
1943-45. Did they succeed by investing huge resources on cipher security? Or by
developing codes and ciphers so elaborate that no human mind could solve them?
No, of course not. Simple security measures coupled with the new Stencil Subtractor system were enough to
defeat the limited resources of the German codebreakers.
Book Cyphers
were secured by introducing new versions and by enciphering them with the
Stencil Subtractor Frame, a stencil that was used together with a daily
changing numerical table. The SS Frame defeated ‘depths’ as the user could
select different starting points for the enciphering sequence and that point
was further enciphered.
The Royal
Navy introduced new editions of the Code and Cypher every 6 months and it was
expected that even this was not enough.
In the case
of cipher machines the Typex was upgraded with several sets of ‘split’ rotors, indicator
books and a rewirable reflector. As Ralph Erskine puts it in ‘The
Development of Typex’:
‘For the Germans
to have been on an equal footing with Typex, as used by the British Army and
the RAF, they would have had to find the wirings of from 120 to 252 rotors.
Even Marian Rejewski or Alan Turing might have blanched at that Herculean task’
Finally I’ve
mentioned that SOE codes were upgraded with the Letter One time Pad, a system
that if used correctly is unbreakable.
improvements impressed the Germans and the report FMS P-038 'German Radio Intelligence’ says: ‘British radio communication was the most effective and secure of all
those with which German communication intelligence had to contend’.
There was a downside however to all this. British cryptologic security
was effective in this period but not efficient, in the sense that
significant resources had to be invested in printing huge numbers of codebooks,
enciphering tables, stencils, indicator books etc and transporting them to
units across the globe. In the case of Typex the new procedures meant that cipher
work fell to a fraction of the output achieved at the beginning of the war.
successes in signals intelligence and codebreaking during WWII have received a
lot of attention from Anglo-American historians. In Britain the successes of
Bletchley Park are a source of national pride. The Germans had the Tiger tanks,
their Me262 jet fighters and the V-2 rockets, the Americans were the ‘arsenal
of democracy’ but the Brits had Bletchley Park.
However the
many successes of Bletchley Park against Axis codes should not be used to
distract from its failure to secure British codes. According to the article ‘Tunny Reveals B-Dienst Successes Against the
‘Convoy Code’:
excelled at breaking the codes and ciphers of the Axis powers, and devoted huge
resources to doing so. In March 1942, GC&CS employed about 1600 people on
codebreaking operations, but only Travis (in theory) and Dudley-Smith were then
assigned to investigating cipher security, even though Comsec was one of
GC&CS’s two main functions. It was clearly too few, especially since Travis
had no time to devote to Comsec, and Dudley-Smith was not a cryptanalyst. Even
in October 1943, when GC&CS’s staff had more than trebled to over 4800,
only Dudley-Smith (in a ‘part-time’ capacity!) and ‘two or three girls’ worked
in the ‘Security of Allied Communications’ section, which investigated the
security of the Army’s and Royal Air Force’s signals (and even those of some
allies), in addition to the Royal Navy’s signals. Comsec is not as glamorous as
codebreaking, but is probably more important.’
Especially at
sea the British mistakes prolonged the war. The Battle of the Atlantic was the longest
continuous military campaign of World War II but it didn’t have
to be. The only thing needed to stop the U-boat command was to secure the
Convoy Cypher and here Bletchley Park undeniably failed.
It is said
that ‘victory has a thousand fathers, but
defeat is an orphan’. Perhaps that is the reason why the Allied failures of
cryptologic security during WWII have not received the same attention as the ULTRA story. It is up to
historians to correct this mistake.
Sources: various TICOM reports, ‘British Intelligence in the Second World War vol2’, ADM 1/27186 ‘Review of security of naval codes and cyphers 1939-1945’, AIR 20/1531 ’R.A.F. signal communications: security’, ‘European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II’, FMS P-038 'German Radio Intelligence’, ‘Between Silk and Cyanide: The Story of SOE's Code War’, HS 7/41 ‘Section II: field cyphers; appendices L, M, N and O’ (from website arcre.com), Intelligence and National Security article: Tunny Reveals B-Dienst Successes Against the ‘Convoy Code’, The Journal of Intelligence History article: ‘The Admiralty And Cipher Machines During The Second World War: Not So Stupid After All’, Cryptologia article: ‘The Cryptographic Services of the Royal (British) and Italian Navies’ , The Enigma Bulletin article: ‘The Development of Typex’, ‘Intelligence and Strategy: Selected Essays’, cryptomuseum
Acknowledgements: I have to thank Ralph Erskine for sharing information on British
codes and ciphers, especially his article on Typex, the report AIR 20/1531
and the Naval Cypher No3’s S and M table statistics.Sources: various TICOM reports, ‘British Intelligence in the Second World War vol2’, ADM 1/27186 ‘Review of security of naval codes and cyphers 1939-1945’, AIR 20/1531 ’R.A.F. signal communications: security’, ‘European Axis Signal Intelligence in World War II’, FMS P-038 'German Radio Intelligence’, ‘Between Silk and Cyanide: The Story of SOE's Code War’, HS 7/41 ‘Section II: field cyphers; appendices L, M, N and O’ (from website arcre.com), Intelligence and National Security article: Tunny Reveals B-Dienst Successes Against the ‘Convoy Code’, The Journal of Intelligence History article: ‘The Admiralty And Cipher Machines During The Second World War: Not So Stupid After All’, Cryptologia article: ‘The Cryptographic Services of the Royal (British) and Italian Navies’ , The Enigma Bulletin article: ‘The Development of Typex’, ‘Intelligence and Strategy: Selected Essays’, cryptomuseum
Best treatise ever and "an orphan" within the ULTRA-issues.